Organic vs. Conventional

With regards to my previous post, Love Is, I have to tell you those were some of the best fresh strawberries I have tasted in a very looooooooooong time.

How long has it been for you when you last had a fresh strawberry or even a fresh tomato that tasted as good as it looked? So often I’d pick some up (not always organic) because they looked so red and juicy only to get home and discover they have zero flavor. Maybe even the texture or scent of the fruit is off too.

Recently, I’ve seen/read various articles or headlines about eating organic foods – such as which fruits and vegetables (another article included meat) you should consider buying organic versus conventional, so you probably have seen these also.

Over at
123Raw there was a thread started about buying organic foods and Beppa, Empress of 123Raw, included a list of organic foods you should consider when at the grocery store or market.

I tried importing the list here so you wouldn't have to click on the link but I have no idea how to do that!

So if you checked the list strawberries are #6 as one of the worst fruits you can buy if not organic.

I have also read some “myths” about organic foods. That it’s a myth organic tastes better than conventional. I’m here to debunk the debunk! Maybe with some fruits and veggies you can't taste the difference but I know with organic strawberries and organic tomatoes I can definitely taste a difference. They taste real. They are sweet and juicy and just like they should be. How can organic NOT taste better than conventional?! Do people like the taste of chemicals and pesticides? I bet not. So that’s a dumb myth IMHO.

Now, in a perfect world all fruits and veggies would be pesticide-free and organic by its true definition and would also be affordable. But alas, they’re not. Sigh.

When it’s difficult to buy everything organic because it’s either not available or it’s too expensive hopefully this list will come in handy when/if you have to pick and choose.

We’re starting a garden that will be FULL of tomatoes and hopefully, sweet bell peppers too. Finding organic bell peppers has been tricky lately and when I do find them they are so stinkin expensive!

So anyway, I fell in love with those organic strawberries. One right after another was so sweet. Not gassed or whatever to look pretty for consumers but authentic. And at $4 a pound I thought it was a pretty sweet deal considering the conventional, flavorless ones weren’t much cheaper. Sweet indeed.


Carrie Nicole said…
I finally printed the list out and will keep a copy in my purse so that at least I know that if I steer clear for the top 12 baddies I will avoid around 90% pesticide exposure.

I am SO geared up for all the farmer's markets to open soon!!

I want to start a garden too, I end up getting overwhelmed by what to plant when, etc. Plus, the raised beds that are in my yard are made from treated wood so planting veg in there is a No-No. Will have to figure out something diff.

Oh... wanted to say, I totally agree with you that organic tastes better. My friend's grandfather has a farm and he grows these tomatoes that are like heaven, honestly I've never tasted a tomato even nearly as good, he's using seed stock that he's had for ages and ages so that's important too, good tomato genes! ha!
yardsnacker said…
You are super cool and stuff! :D
Peaches are super toxic too. Crazy world when "they" risk our health to make their mortgage payment
yardsnacker said…
Oh yea I also read that the mineral content of the soil also makes the fruit taste better. If the soil is depleted then the flavor will be gone. tastes way better, no doubt! I've stopped buying anything not organic just because of the taste factor!

YS is right on with the minerals. Get some ocean water on your garden and it will re-mineralize the soil and make those veggies taste GREAT!

Pixy Lisa
RisibleGirl said…
Guess what? I'm growing strawberries and tomatoes up in the air this year (where the bunnies can't eat them).

Supposedly, this variety of strawberries can also grow indoors during the winter, so I'll grow them in my sunroom when Summer is over.

The strawberries are for BJ (I can't eat them), and the tomatoes are for the days that I can eat them (rare- but there's nothing better than a freshly picked tomato)
Michelle said…
Great info! Thanks for sharing...i've yet to get a really good batch of strawberries! I would walk by them and they smell incredible yet when i taste them, not so good!! :O( Organic is the way to go!
Isle Dance said…
Way to post about this!! Organic rocks. :o) P.S. I about cried when John Stossal did the 20/20 report on organics in such a way as to make organics look "dumb", so thank goodness reports are coming out now, which debunk him on that.

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