More Catching Up

Please excuse me while I organize myself here. Some of my posts will basically be catching up posts and are more for me so you might find them less exciting, mundane or random. But here we go…

First up, thank you for your support and loyalty. You guys are so cool. I knew you’d understand when I say I blog when I can. Life is happening all the time; blogging can wait any old day. I figure those who don’t understand aren’t real people anyway. Ha!

For YS2’s birthday last month we got him a Strider pre-bike or a balance bike. If you’re not familiar with a balance bike, it’s a little tyke bike without training wheels or pedals so the focus is on balance. Everyone can pedal or easily learn, right? But balancing on a bike isn’t that easy. When it’s time to transition to a “big boy” bike there will hopefully be less spills and owies and instead lots more yays and smiles. YS2 has gotten the hang of it and now sits on the seat and not just walk with it standing up (that's how they first start out). As he grows and gets more confident, he’ll start cruising on it and put his feet up on the foot rests as moves along. He’s learning fast and loooves his red bike. And his blue helmet. :)

Awhile back, Joanna of The High Raw Nourished Kitchen, passed along the Lovely Blog award to me, which I gratefully accepted at the time. Unfortunately, I didn’t acknowledge it publicly on my blog until now. It is one I’ve received before so here’s my list. Thank you, Joanna! I now pass this award along to anyone else who’d like to play – list 7 random things about yourself – it’d be fun to learn something new about you.

my first granny square
From my list of 7 things, I had mentioned learning how to crochet (ahem, GIT or Granny-in-Training). Well, got an update on that. I’m working on my first major project! Woo hoo! I have yet to crochet anything of worth as I’ve just basically been practicing so I crochet a ways then unravel it and do it again. Now that I’ve gotten it down pretty good I decided to make a huge afghan and hope to complete it by fall (I’m slow you know). No pics of it yet but I do have a pic of something else I made. I recently learned (taught myself with an online video tutorial) how to make a granny square. Appropriately named I might add. I’m quite proud of myself. I haven’t decided on doing anything with granny squares just yet but probably will make a throw sometime. Anyone else crochet, knit, or make other homemade crafts? I crochet and make cards. That’s pretty much it.

When YS2 and I go to the park/garden with papa YS we sometimes take a lunch, bring his bike or play at the playground. While he loves to ‘help’ papa in the garden, it’s usually best if I can steer his enthusiasm and energy somewhere he can really let loose. He’s a boy after all! Throwing rocks in water, getting dirty, being loud, running and climbing are best suited away from everyone’s garden plots. He does love all the plants/flowers, pinwheels and other garden fancies people have displayed though. I will say it was so cute and sweet when he was chasing another gardener’s little girl, who’s four, in the grass and then holding her hand. Oh I so wanted a picture but didn’t have my camera. Next time I hope.

you know it was a fun day if he falls asleep in the car

We also like to go to other parks for YS2 to ride his bike. Here we are at a gorgeous one near our house. It’s exceptionally beautiful on a sunny day to look over the water and see Seattle. I would love to own a house here but need some seriously major dough (couple million or more)!

Seattle in the distance - my office building is there
I love this tree - the 'S' tree

Thinking of my vision board, one of the things on there is exercise. Breaking a sweat. I must confess I've been extremely lazy with this and really, I have no excuse. Putting off blogging is one thing but putting off doing some sort of exercise is not good. I have a plan though. I have a goal; a new motivation. I'll tell you more about it soon but I'm totally excited for it and is completely out of my comfort zone. Maybe that's what excites me about it.

I tried a Fearless raw vegan organic chocolate bar recently. And hey! I opened up the package only to find a bite taken from it! Pooey. Ha ha! It’s all for a good cause though. The company donates a “bite” (1% annual profit) to charity so it’s all good. I even shared some with my boss who enjoyed it too. If you like dark chocolate this is for you. I tried the coconut one and thought it was tasty.

I have at least two reviews coming up in the near future but possibly more, we’ll see. Two for sure though.

Can’t believe Independence Day is Monday already! Egads! Where’s the time gone (seems I say that a lot)?! Looking forward to a long weekend though and sunny days (they’re predicting near 80 degrees on the 4th, which is a welcomed miracle). Has summer finally arrived in Seattle? I hope so! Any of you got big or fun plans for the 4th? We’re staying local and making some yummy food. You know veggie burgers will be on the menu. Not really raw but still lots of veggies and still oh so good!

Sorry for the lengthy post and lots o'pics but I think I’m caught up with all that I needed/wanted to say for now, except for the reviews I mentioned.

Hope you are all well and enjoying your summer days!


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