From the Great Beyond…

...I am here.

So, um, yeah. Hi. How are you? Did you miss me? It’s okay if you didn’t. I missed you though. I did. I really did. I thought about you and the ol’ blog a lot. A. Lot! I just couldn’t get it (blogging) to happen. Nothing major or particularly exciting going on, just life is all. Work, home, YS2, garden, family, errands, spring, summer, laziness, you know…life. :) May and June were pretty much nonexistent around here. Whoops.

As I’ve mentioned before on one of my other absences, I make no apology for it anymore. I feel bad, even guilty but it happens (I don’t get paid enough [zip] I tell ya). I’m sure you’ve all been there. Some are nutty enough to blog in the middle of the night (after living life a full day). I can’t/don’t/won’t do that. Unless I have insomnia, which I don’t. I love sleep but never seem to get enough.

What’s funny in all of this is just before I took my “break,” I had been blogging somewhat regularly. For me, anyway. About 2-3 times a week (+/-), I think. I had an email subscriber stop following my blog. Reason given: blogged too much! Ha ha! How can this be?! People have stopped following my blog for not posting consistently (which I’ve never claimed to do anyway – I blog when I can or feel like it) or not enough or lousy content but never for blogging too much. Oh well. Can’t win them all I suppose.

I hope that didn’t come across as defensive. I just thought it was funny. Maybe I’ll win that person back after a nearly two-month hiatus. Ha!

Many thanks to those who’ve stopped by check up on me either on my blog or with an email. It means a lot. Love you all!

Well, let’s see, in May, we celebrated YS2’s second birthday. Thank you all so much for the birthday greetings by the way (sorry I made some of you cry with my post). Then there was Mother’s Day, Memorial Day and then there was Father’s Day in June and more birthdays. And of course, we’re back for another year at our community pea patch. Congrats to Mr. Yardsnacker (my hubby, Sam) who was just nominated and voted in as president of the community garden! Woo hoo! He was a shoe-in so it’s not a surprise to me but still exciting all the same. You can check out some of his garden updates here.

Oh and the garden…it’s beautiful I must say. Hubs has put a lot love and work into it, lots of creativity. However, our PNW weather has made things challenging once again. We’re waaaay behind in everything because of it. That is everyone is way behind who is gardening here, not just us. I'll take some new pics soon and post an update.

So anyway, I’m back. Maybe not in full force yet but I’m working on getting there and getting caught up. Oh and the blog reading I have, too! I’ll be by your blogs soon, catching up. I might not comment on every post especially if you’re a daily or multi-daily blogger but will still read up.

I’m trying to not make this post obnoxiously long and drive away the remaining loyal readers I have so I’ll end this with a few catching-up pics (more to come).

blueberry blossoms that are probably berries now
these are definitely berries now - strawberries are so good!
a little snake friend trying to hide

Thanks for stopping by and sticking with me!


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