What is My Deal?!

It's been awhile since I've blogged. What is my deal anyway? I'm still figuring that out. Out of sorts maybe? Not sure if I'm just being lazy and/or unmotivated or maybe just simply don't have much to blog about. I think it's all of the above. I've been busy at work which sometimes carries over into my home life so by the time I get home or I'm done with what I've brought home I'm too tired to think about blogging. I have ideas on subjects I'd like to delve into but not feeling it at the moment. Now I'm not about to get all political here but with the topsy-turvy markets as of late and all the craziness related to it it's making my job even more stressful so all motivation to do anything just flies out the window. Ah, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. I figure to get myself right again I need a day or two (or more) longer than a typical weekend to just chill. To play.

Then there's our garden. Grr. To give some perspective on the horrible garden weather we've had this year, the food bank garden they're 1500+ pounds off their average for this time of year. For us, being our first year gardening, it's been less than rewarding. Well, not totally but frustrating nonetheless. We've benefited more from our fellow gardeners than from our own, which is good for us but it would've been nice to share our abundance with others. I mean, we have so many tomatoes but they're all green! Imagine 200-300 green tomatoes just hanging around. Out of those 200 or so toms only about five show any signs of ripening. Whatever. We do have corn though. We didn't think we'd get any corn but there is promise there. We have some kale too. That'll be good to put in a smoothie or make kale chips. It didn't help that our two plots were separated from each other (opposite ends of the garden) so the back one suffered most being overgrown with weeds. Anything grows back there so that's good but unfortunately, it's a haven for moles, voles and slugs so too much of what we attempted to grow was eaten or fell over because there were so many tunnels underneath.

Wow, what a rant this had turned out to be. Guess I needed to release some stress. I haven't even done anything in the kitchen. Poor hubby must be starving! Like I said, I just haven't been in the mood to create much. I did make some yummy cookies (raw of course) recently that were devoured by hubs. I'll have to make them again.

Anyway, all in all I'm still a happy person who could use some time off (not time off from blogging since I've been doing that already-haha). There are some good things happening in my world so that's good. We're just living in such a crazy time and we're the ones who are left to pay for the mess. I guess that's what's bothering me most. I dunno. I'm done rambling and griping for tonight. Next post will be much better, lighter and happier!


Isle Dance said…
Totally normal. Flow with it, Chickie, and take some "me" time. As much as you need. Without guilt. You deserve it. Everyone needs it. When I disappear from my blog for periods of time, trust me, I'm going through the same thing. But I don't have a garden. And you two are really learning TONS about gardening and its hardships during a prime hardship weather time. Just think of it as getting the worst out of the way, first. :o)
Sweet Heidi,
I am sorry you are stressed. It is a stressful time. One thing I thought of as I was reading your post: Tomatoes. No matter how green they are, they will eventually turn red. I got a bunch of those shallow boxes from the grocery store. You know the kind canned beans come in? When the weather turned cold and the vines were frost bitten and no longer producing, we went out there and gathered every single tomato and brought them inside, then we sorted and laid them in single and double layers. They were stored in our cellar and we would check them from time to time when we needed a tomato. We would re sort them and continue to harvest whenever we needed one. We ate tomatoes through December last year, so don't throw them away even if they are still green. There is hope. I have also found cherry tomatoes began producing in June, my bigger ones are just beginning to turn red. Next year we will buy more cherry variety, but still buy some of the larger ones as well.
I hope you feel better soon. You are a darling girl.
Leora said…
Good to hear from you. Hang in there.

The first year I gardened New Jersey had a drought. It got easier.
shannonmarie said…
We all need a little break every once and a while. I've, of course, taken one myself in the past. Don't beat yourself up over it. We still love you.

Your garden sounds great to me, but then again, I don't have one at all. I'd love to have kale, corn and tomatoes in my own backyard.

Finding a recipe for kale is a no-brainer, and corn is great in cooler weather stews, raw corn bread and polenta. As for green tomatoes, they will turn red eventually, but if you can't wait, make "fried" green tomatoes in your dehydrator :-)
Anonymous said…
First and foremost don't be hard on yourself, pay attention to your feelings (as you are doing), and flow with it (as Isle Dance perfectly puts it). If you blog everyday, don't blog at all, or something in between, either which way it is okay. But of course, if you don't blog at all you'll be missed.

200-300 tomatoes! Your garden is flowing with abundance and soon you'll have red ripe tomatoes to share!

Glad you and hubby enjoyed the cookies. ;-)

Take your break, go do your thing, and when you come back, we'll all be here.
BeeARawFoodie said…
I will try to blog about happier topics too. Have peace about the garden -- Gardening is more about appreciating the wonder of the dirt and seeds than harvest. Even gardeners with acres knows that there are off years, there are learning years, there are trying years, there are abundant years. To everything there is a season. Unlike most everything in our modern life, gardening reminds us how mysterious nature really is. Its not perfect. It can't be. And finding harmony with the sun, the rain, the moles, the voles, the holes, is like a family reunion everytime you go to the Garden!! Gripe on, write on, its good for you. Gripe whenever you need to.
sarabethxvx said…
don't feel bad about being absent, I completely understand. When work gets busy and stressful for me I completely loose motivation to do anything but survive and try to chill out.
I'm in the same blogging hole as you. Maybe down there with the moles and voles! Ha ha. So I understand. Sorry you didn't get a big harvest this year. Next year will probably be much better. Hang in there.
Pixy Lisa
Carol said…
Change of season blues. Back to school no matter a weather change pushes me into a change of seasons mentally. I think each season makes us step back and take stock. Roll with it and you'll be up and running in no time!!

Michelle said…
Hi Heidi,

It's always great to see your posts!! You are allowed to be a bit stressed from time to time, as long as you can also kick its butt right out of your life!!

Nuff said!

Carrie Nicole said…
Oh girlfriend I can SO relate to many things you've said in this post, seems I'm up there over by CanIdaho with you in out of sorts land (loved that pic btw, awesome!)

I am so overdue for a vacation, an extended one, with some serious recharge time. I've learned the lesson about giving too much of yourself without recharging and it's hitting me on all fronts and been a hard pill to swallow, but I'm only human and I'm learning.

I know what you mean about the green tomatoes, all the rain the last 2 weeks of august made everything grow but not enough sunshine to make em ripe! I was tending to my friend's garden while she was in HI the past two weeks, I just finally started picking the big green tomatoes and have them on my counter and letting them ripen off the vine to see what happens. The cherry tomatoes got so big that by the time they started to turn red on the vine, they would literally explode!!

Lots of amazing things you learned this year though with your garden so that's very important even if the yield has been less than stellar. You will be starting off on such a great foot next year with everything you know now!!

Hugs to you!!

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