Love Is...

Typically, my "love is" segments don't need any sort of explanation but I feel this one needs a little more than just a display of pics.

We picked up this chocolate torte at our raw vegan store. It costs the same as many of the raw choco-bars and we were told it's as delicious as it looks. Plus with this slice of heaven we get a lot more for our dollars than a small chocolate bar.

On the way home since we didn't have forks I just took a bite. Those are my teeth marks you see. :) We were told the creator of this sinfully delicious goodness is Adam, whom I have not met. He runs a raw bar at another health food store but his dept is only open limited days and hours so we seemed to always miss out. Anyway, we also learned that the kid who works at the raw vegan store (he probably would be crabby I referred to him as a kid but he's about 17-18 yrs old) is actually the one who influenced Adam to go raw. How cool is that? And now Adam is kicking out gourmet foods.

As I bit into this torte I melted along with the chocolate it was so good. And hey, who needs a fork anyway!


Anonymous said…
Wow! That looks delicious! I love the picture of all your new raw items for your pantry, too!

I hope you are having a lovely weekend!

Lots of love to you!

Debbie Young said…
wiping drool off keyboard, must get chocolate, must find nibs, must... oh hell, I just want to bite that too!
love deb
Carol said…
Wow, this looks sooooo good!!
Katie said…
Oh my god, that's raw & vegan? How awesome!
ha ha debbie! it really does look good. I wonder if anything like that is available on the internet. We don't have a raw store within 100's of miles from our tiny place. . .
Isle Dance said…
Oh, holy goodness, stop tempting me! I think I can taste it! :o)
Anonymous said…
Looks quite heavy - but that's how it should be :D
BeeARawFoodie said…
Blessings to Adam and the kid at the store. Right people with right talents and the right time = Right decadent dessert. Let the punishment fit the cri-ummmmmmm. yum yum yum yum (Cookie monster noise)!
sarabethxvx said…
I would like to eat that now!!! ;)
Looks so good!
Lauren said…
Mmm.. I am drooling! I wish I could find me some of that around here! :)
Sarah said…
That looks amazing :)
badash said…
Anonymous said…
wow that looks yummy!

BTW I want to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today (Friday)!!!

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