What’s in a name? And a mish-mash of other things

Hey, friends! It’s been busy busy days lately. How about for you? I mean with the unofficial end of summer and just this and that it’s been crazy. But it’s all good. Unfortunately though, that means blogging suffers (as usual). But that's life, right?

So, what’s in a name?

The other day I was reading my bloggy friend’s post, Victoria of Mommy Is Green, about how she came up with her blog name. It’s fun to read about how people came up with their “stage names” for their blog, twitter, or whatever, so thought it would be a fun topic here.

Not sure if most of you know how my name came about so let me tell you. Back when I was seriously contemplating a blog I thought, I need a name. I wanted something catchy and easy yet was “me.” I came up with some ideas, got some ideas from others but still I wasn’t sold on any of them. I thought of HiHoRosie but thought people would find it weird or something. But it’s the one I kept coming back to. I wanted to be sure that whatever name I settled on was one I could live with, one that didn’t label or box me into one category (since I love to ramble on about this and that), and one that wouldn’t be confused with anyone else.

HiHoRosie’s Place

HiHoRosie is a combination of nicknames of my first and last names. I think you all know my first name is Heidi but with that comes the automatic nickname of Heidi Ho. If you’re a Heidi it’s a nickname you’re just born with, right? Some Heidis abhor that nickname, I don’t. Not saying I loooove it but it certainly doesn’t bother me. “Hi Ho” is the nickname of the nickname Heidi Ho. I’ve also been called “Rosie” which is the nickname of my last name. If you know it, this will make sense to you. And of course, “Place” refers to my little spot in blogosphere.

So there you have it, the history of HiHoRosie’s Place. Woo hoo.

How did you come up with your blog name? Some seem obvious but maybe there’s something more to it you’d like to share.

Now onto a mish-mash of other things.

One random thought: I still need to fix my banner (the font) so it coincides with the rest of the blog. I keep meaning to but it’s obviously a low priority. Anyway, that just popped into my head.

Can you believe it’s middle of September already?! Where has the time gone? I love fall (my 2nd favorite season) but we didn’t get much of a summer here so it seems to have come way too soon. But since it’s here I’m getting into the coziness of it all, loving the crispness in the air and looking forward to Halloween. The rain I could do without for now. Please. Well, a little rain is okay but just a little.

Speaking of Halloween though, last year YS2 was so little that I didn’t really think about Halloween much. It’s not like I could take him trick-or-treating. But this year, I want to dress him up! We’ve got a few ideas we’ve tossed around as to a costume but if you’ve got some ideas for a 16-month old, please share.

I plan on taking him trick-or-treating. Not for the candy so much (bleh – if he’s going to have candy, I want him to have the GOOD stuff!) but for the tradition and fun-ness of it all. What do I do with the candy??? I’ll have to donate it someplace – I know some dentists’ offices take them. I just don’t want YS2 chomping on candy and I certainly don’t want the temptation around me but like I said, I still want to have fun with the holiday. We even got him a little candy bag (so little we’ll have to carry another bag with us). He actually picked it out at a garden nursery we were at. It’s a black kitty! There was a pumpkin one too but he favored the cat.

Sam just reminded me the story of the candy bag - while at the nursery, YS2 and I were off looking at Halloween decor while Sam was picking up some garden supplies. I showed Caleb the pumpkin bag and he then spotted the kitty one. Of course, he wanted to show papa his new find. When Sam caught up with us, Caleb showed him the bag while announcing "mine mine mine!" Well, in baby language. :)

Fall is also a time for birthdays! Both Yardsnacker and I have birthdays in the fall. His is in November and mine falls on a very special and cool day this year: October 10th 2010. 10-10-10! Purty cool, eh? Not sure I’ll do anything extra cool to celebrate it but I like the fact it’s an awesome date; what I like best is the recognition and birthday wishes. Don’t get me wrong, I love presents! But I don’t count on them to make my birthdays happy. Maybe just happier. Ha ha!

With cozy weather comes more baking, cooking and all around warmer foods. I’ve been experimenting with vegan mac n’cheese lately, using nutritional yeast (nooch). It's different, I'll admit to that. I tried a recipe recently that I liked well enough, YS2 sorta liked it (a few bites, yes and a few bites, no – might be the phase he’s in, hard to say) and YS not so much. No pics, sorry I forgot. But I’m on a quest to find the right recipe. I’ve noticed some of you have been posting pics and/or recipes of some so I’ll have to try some of those.

Have you ever tried sweet potato peanut butter fries? HOLY MOLEY! Okay, again, I forgot to take pics. I was too busy eating them but seriously why didn’t I think of this?! Peanut butter AND sweet potatoes? I’m a sucker for peanut butter anything (one reason I could never be 100% raw I heart pb too much!). I found the recipe by way of iHerb on twitter. Anyway, mine came out a little soft instead of more crispy-like but who cares? They were yummy! I think the reason they didn’t come as crispy is I didn’t have parchment paper. Even YS2 enjoy them! Duh. Here’s another version from Oh She Glows that I’d like to try too.

Yardsnacker harvested our first pumpkin! I’m so excited to cook that baby up and make some pumpkin EVERYTHING! Hey, it’s fall after all. Well, almost.


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