Weekend in Review

Don’t you just love weekends? There never seems to be enough of them I think. Ha ha! We had a lovely weekend here.

Saturday was GOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRGGGGEEEEEOUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSS! Try that in a spelling bee. More like math – counting all those extra letters. One thing about the PacNW is when the sun is shining with few to no clouds, there’s nothing like it. We have so much green and then pair that with blue skies and water it’s simply amazing. It was in the mid 70’s (I don’t know actually – warm enough for flip flops and shorts) and a day to get out. And for one couple we spotted, to get married. Aww! They timed that perfectly because Sunday was cloudy, balmy and rainy. I missed out on seeing the beautiful bride – spotted her veiled head in the white Rolls but her bridesmaids were pretty in pink with a bright red flower in their pulled back ‘dos. May not sound pretty but trust me they were pretty.

Anyway, we took a long stroll along the waterfront soaking in the sun. YS2 was having a good time for sure. We stopped at a little café for a beverage but realized we’d forgotten our debit card and didn’t bring much cash. Well the sun was shining on us apparently as they told us it was on the house. Awesome! I heart nice people. We’ll be going back for sure.

YS2’s cousin and his mama came over for a brief visit. YS2 loves Jack! Touching his hair (or shoe), smiling at him while reading…so cute. I tried getting Jack to eat some “mac n cheese” (recipe below) but he wasn’t having anything to do with it. Oh well. YS2 snarfed it instead.

Cheezy Hummus
1 15 oz can chickpeas, mostly drained
2 TBS tahini paste (I used raw but toasted would be fine)
1-2 TBS soy-free miso
1-2 cloves garlic
½ tsp sea salt
3 TBS nutritional yeast
Cayenne to taste (optional)
Turmeric for color (optional)

Blend in food processor or blender until creamy.

I made this last minute so I don’t have a pic. But I made it w/o turmeric so it wasn’t all that pretty to look at it anyway. I mixed this with brown rice pasta and bam! Dinner served. Like I said, YS2 snarfed it. Another favorite way is to do as above but then add in marinara sauce and sliced black olives. Mmm…

Sunday was a day to stay indoors and play and read. We were also productive in that we made some goals. I know! Goals! I’m not one who typically sits down and makes goals. When New Year’s rolls around I don’t make resolutions. I’m not saying I wander about life without any sort of direction or aspirations but for some reason I don’t take time to plan things out. I should. I’ll put it on my to-do list. Ha ha!

Anyway, I won’t go into detail here about our goals but it’s great having a partner (my husband) who is motivated, inspired and a doer. I feel so optimistic and happy about what the future holds and look forward to the journey with him and Caleb. It’s been wonderful so far that I see it only getting better.

I have thought about carrying around a notebook (I don’t mean a laptop but you know, actual paper) to jot things down in. Get in the habit. Do you set goals regularly?

I’m long overdue for some blog recognitions. Ah! I’m feeling generous today so I’d like to pass along TWO HiHoRosie Blog Faves.
First up, is Lauren of Ginger is the New Pink. No doubt many of you frequent or know of her blog. She has an amazing outlook on life and her health and I love that about her. And I have a sneaking suspicion that if I knew her in person I’d love her even more. We seem to have similar tastes, humor included. She’s also getting closer to meeting her Starshine (love that nickname) in a couple of months. I’m so excited for her!

Next is Nelly of from nelly…with love… She has a big Big BIG heart and loves to share it with every living creature. She’s also got crazy mad skillz in the kitchie (probably the only time you’ll catch me using that word). Hear she makes amazing moonie pies! Her big news is she’s getting married to her love, John. She will be a bee-yoo-tee-ful bride! She’s also someone I can call friend and has an ability to make me laugh.

Both girls have great blogs and are definitely favorites! No doubt some of yours too. And these girls are under no obligation to accept, display, reciprocate or pay it forward this award. It's simply my own way of saying I like you and your blog.

Well, I have more to talk about but I’ll save it for another post for another day.


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