When I went a'visiting to Debra's blog at Vegan Family Style, she had posted a trailer for a new documentary coming out this summer. I just had to share with you as well.

I love that there seems to be more documentaries out focusing on health and talking about the (true) epidemics facing us - that most illnesses, conditions, and diseases can be cured/reversed if we're willing to change our habits, most of which are our daily diets. So many people don't get this.

Anyway, Forks over Knives is the documentary and features Dr. T. Colin Campbell (co-author, "The China Study") and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn (author, "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease") as well as many other doctors and nutritional experts, including Dr. Neal Barnard who is part of the Blog Posse at Crazy Sexy Life.

By the way, love the title of this film. So fitting.

Below is the trailer but in case you're somewhere you can't view it, here is the synopsis.

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