The Future’s So Bright...

So I’m sitting on one of my kitchen bar stools this morning thinking, it’s been awhile since I’ve hosted any sort of giveaway. It’s time for another, dontcha think?

The very nice people at
CSN Stores have offered to sponsor my next giveaway. Now, before you get too excited and jump to the comment section to enter the contest, WAIT! This is the unofficial announcement – a teaser. Hee hee! I’m just alerting you to check back for the official post about this particular giveaway, which will be in the near future. In the meantime, please feel free to peruse CSN’s websites or; this might come in handy for the contest. ;)

Now, for some other fun stuff:

The other day I received my lovely gift from
HippieMom that I won from her blog recently. This prize to me is extra special because it’s a “just because” gift. She handpicked some of her favorite items of hers to give away to some lucky person, which so happened to be ME! Uh yeah, this weekend there will be a luxurious bath waiting for me. I need it! Ahhh… In our household, we love olive soap too so this makes it even more perfect. Oh and the organic green cardamom…wow, that smells amazing! I can only imagine its taste. Really looking forward to trying it all. So thank you HippieMom!

For those of you still experiencing the harshness of winter I’m really sorry. Not to make you jealous…okay, I am but where I live, our winter has been very mild (or nearly non-existent) and the past couple of days and into this weekend we are talking SPRING! Birds singing, buds bursting with color, sun, sun and more SUN! I suppose there is one down side with this early spring: the Winter Olympics. Vancouver, BC is three hours up the road from me and if you’ve noticed when watching some of the events you can see the trees or some hills in the backdrop not covered, if at all, with much snow. Fortunately, it’s all working out. I know it is for me! Winters are always challenging so having these sunny days is doing a lot of good. Time for renewal, change, cleaning and lots of playing. And don’t forget gardening!
Yardsnacker is working on planning our garden at the community garden and most likely staying on the Board. Busy busy! Soon, we’ll have lil Yardsnacker out there “helping.” (Photo: Daily Mail UK)

I do have some more goodies to announce but since I’m in a teasing mood, I’m going to wait before I say anything more. Just more things for you to look forward to.

The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

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