
I don't have plans or intentions to feed my baby powdered formula but reading this article today definitely seals the deal!

Is nothing safe around here anymore? Sheesh!


yardsnacker said…
om gee. That is so gross! Rocket fuel? Hey wait, maybe that's where the idea for the Incredibles kid came from..remember Dash?
Anonymous said…
There is no limit ...
Sarah said…
I'm virtually speechless. I would definitely NOT use formula if I was expecting a baby. I've read horrible things about formula, but not about the perchlorate. That's just insanity!!!
Ingrid said…
Hi Heidi, it's been a long time since I last visited.

How in the world does this make sense. It's sad. Thank goodness you are aware and will bless your baby with best and highest quality nourishment. Lot's of love and blessing to you and your family.
chris ward said…
gross. but i suppose there are some people who have to use this stuff such as people who adopt. we need safer options.
HiHoRosie said…
That is a very good point Chris. There are many parents who need formula for their babies. I'm going to see if there are some healthy alternatives available - I just have a feeling they're not typically found at your local store like the "bad" stuff. :(
EXCUSE ME!!?!?!? And what EXACTLY would be a SAFE dose for ADULTS??? These people are C.R.A.Z.Y. Maybe they have ingested more than a "safe dose" and it's affected their brain function.
Leora said…
I really enjoyed breastfeeding, once I got the knack of it. It wasn't so easy with my first, but by my third, I knew all the tricks and details.

Talking to a good local La Leche leader before giving birth can help after you give birth and have questions.

Take care.
Anonymous said…
What can we say? Boobs are best. :)
Michelle said…
Nope nothing is safe!!! Thus, you come along to research and do what is best!!!

I love you!!!

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