Healthy Alternative to Baby Formula

In relation to my previous post with a link to an article about toxic baby formula, there was a comment left by Chris, Bitt's husband, who reminded me that not every parent/mother has a choice to breastfeed their child/children. Some children are adopted (I'm one of them!) or there are health issues/medications, or work that prevents a mother from being able to breastfeed.
Are there alternatives out there? Yes, but not many that I could easily find. If you want a healthy formula that's not animal or soy based I found you're better off making a formula of your own.

However, I remembered one of our Vita-mix contestants has a business creating
formula that's dairy-free, soy-free, vegan, raw, organic, healthy, and etc. Duh! I should've thought of this before! Anyway, her business is called Empress Organics. Check it out!

If you know of other healthy alternatives or have recipes to share please feel free. It would be great to get the word out as much as possible so parents don't have to worry about feeding their babies rocket fuel or heaven knows what other yuckies potentially lurking about in those cans of formula.


Lauren said…
Thank you so much, Heidi. I am not sure yet if I will be able to breast feed, since I do take medication (even though it's not leaked through breast milk). I just want to be comfortable that what I am doing isn't going to harm my baby. I am bookmarking that site! :)
HiHoRosie said…
Hi Lauren - so glad I could help. Isn't it awesome that she makes this stuff? It's so great. I'll keep an eye out in case other options do pop up.
Melinda said…
Hey girl, I haven't talked to you in a while! I quit my other blog for a while and now I finally have a new one- I want you to become a follower pretty please! I miss your comments! :-) you look fab btw!
Ingrid said…
This is a wonderful post. One of my dear friend is pregnant [just attended her baby shower two weeks ago] and is into everything eco-friendly, organic, and I know she would totally appreciate this information. I'm going to point her to your site so you can read this post.
Yvonne said…
I have written to her for more into, thanks for posting!
Debbie Young said…
I was blessed to breast feed my uber healthy Sam for over a year, was it easy , HELL no. Was it worth it?
Every precious second YES!!!!!!!!
I hope you can, it's a whole segment of mothering that is unique and gives such precious health to your little YS2.
Now can I have a belly shot?
shannonmarie said…
I'm planning on breastfeeding my little girl, but if I need to supplement, thanks for the info. I'll have to check out Empress Organics.

By the way, I hope all is well with you and your little one on the way. I guess at this point, you could meet him any day :-)
bitt said…
that was actually me but somehow it logged on as chris. but i'll give him the credit. :-) i would be impressed if that actually was him!

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