Sarah Pahlin on SNL

Now I'm not going to go all political here, that's just really not my thing so I won't be sharing who I'm voting for and my opinions of the candidates and/or issues will be far and few between here on my blog. Plain and simple, it stresses me out so I try to live in my rainbow-filled bubble instead. :) But I have to admit Sarah Pahlin's interview with Katie Couric (that's just one part) was very uncomfortable don't you think? Of course there was bound to be parodies. I'm taking a risk that this parody from SNL might offend some people but this was too funny to pass up. So even though I might be tight-lipped about most politics and politicians feel free to express yourself as you see fit. Just no attacking of others or mean-spirited comments please.


Michelle said…
The only thing i need to say here is i am frightened!! This woman cannot give specific examples!! This woman really has not clue. it's scary to me. SNL has a hit with Tina Fey!! I laugh, we all laugh at the absurdity of it all but this woman could very well be our next president!! Americans will start leaving the USA to live elsewhere....wouldn't that be a shame???

bitt said…
thanks for posting...not offending me! even my really conservative bro-in-law really does not like this choice.
Isle Dance said…
I was really impressed to hear Bill Clinton acknowledge that nobody is, nor can they be, ready for this job. It's on-the-job-training, because top-secret and direct access to the world cannot happen until that someone is in office.

I was really surprised to see Katie Couric use words, tone and body language that conveyed patronizing doubt to Palin's face. It reminded me of what it feels like to have my own family - or school bullies - convey to me their belief that I'm a pathetic human. Not only is it cruel, but it's abusive. And we, as humans, will always begin to feel the words that other tell us, even if we know they're not kind or true. So we have to then work to overcome that cruelty - in the moments we're also dealing with difficult challenge. In this case, in front of millions. So having that undercurrent throughout the interview is no doubt going to cause one to feel caught off guard and not be at their best. Under a microscope. For one half hour. But others will believe it's a lifetime. And the candidate (human, victim) cannot verbalize this (remember how they also did this to Carter? And Bush?) or it will then make them look like - in the words of a bully - a "crybaby." I was very saddened to see this cruel dynamic. In the words of abuse experts, we should not be asking why Palin was caught off guard, emotionally. We should be asking, "How dare Katie Couric behave with cruelty toward another."

This is not a sign of human weakness, but a sign of humanity. This is not a sign that a human cannot hold their own. But a reminder that this job is never done alone. Entire administrations support each other and work together to make everything happen. It is never a one person job. Never.

I was really shocked to see such a loving parent say this - something all humans should be lucky enough to experience, as it's what we all need to hear in order to continue plugging forward, learning, growing and getting to a place where we can help others at large, if we are ever lucky enough to work to get there...

I look forward to the day where we all treat each other this way.
Kristen's Raw said…
Just wanted to drop by and say HI! Have a terrific week :)
Carol said…
I agree with Isledance. One may not agree with the other side's politics but respect for all the candidates should be in place. I did not see that respect coming off Katie but then again she wasn't any different than usual which might be why she has the ratings that she does.

Tina Fey sure has a long term gig if McCain/Palin make the cut doesn't she? LOL
Colleen Miller said…
I didn't see the Katie Couric interview but I watched SNL. I guess I heard today that the SNL sketch was taken almost verbatim from the actual interview. Tina Fey is sooo funny!!! I love her!!!
Debbie Young said…
if it is possible, the real interview was more squirm worthy than the parody.. just love these two!
And another thing
shannonmarie said…
The only thing I have to say is that I first heard about Sarah Palin when I was waiting for the results of my foot x-ray about a month ago. I remember looking over at my husband and saying, "doesn't she look just like Tina Fey?" I thought maybe it was due to the fact we had just watched "Baby's Mama," but obviously, I was alone it that comparison.
ALF said…
I try to stay away from commenting on political issues so I just wanted to say hi.
bitt said…
Even my student's parents were talking to me about this one today. I've been ordered not to talk politics with the kids...but the parents? Don't think it's off-limits if they bring it up. ;-)
Anonymous said…
these videos are hilarious. When I saw them, both the skit and the original, I realized why the GOP has been keeping their princess under wraps. She has no idea what she's doing... she just spins through her talking points willy-nilly. Especially the Russia-Alaska comment. So, according to Palin, if someone running for president lived in Seattle, they could claim foreign policy experience because they are across the sound to Vancouver island? Because they border Canada?? Silly.
In other news, thanks for the comments, as always ;)
Carrie Nicole said…
I vote for Tina Fey!!! Love her, she is a comedic genius.
Oreste said…
Hello Rosie, a salute from Rome. Ciao
Yeah, that was funny. Scary… but funny.
Oreste said…
Hello Rosie, I have tried translate the comments of your friends and me they do not seem much favorable to the vice Mec Cain, Sarah, because?
Me the inexperience of Obama especially in foreign politics seems the best seen brace.
A kiss and good aim week. Hello
RisibleGirl said…
Yay- I finally have time to read blogs! It's rainy, so I don't have to garden, and the house is clean! I don't even have to work this weekend!

yay! Tell M&D hey for me!

No mean-spirited comments? You suck! (just kidding, sis- you know I love you more than life!)
Unknown said…
HiHo Heidi Yo... The ship is sinking...I always knew that history was a tragic-comedy... It's just that my gut wretches at the latter. Fortunately, we know better. If the bartender could grant us pardon, and permit green drinks aboard the life raft, that would be splendid! Check out :

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