Angela Stokes on CNN

Most of you raw foodies have probably seen the CNN video going around earlier and/or are familiar with her story but for those who don't know of Angela Stokes she is a success story - eating only a raw vegan diet and living to tell the tale (hee hee!).

You can read her brief story

If you'd rather see the video, click here. She has a lovely accent. :)


Carrie Nicole said…
Angela is so great, I absolutely love her and Matt's videos. I really love how she calls him Mr Monarch... SO cute!!
Anonymous said…
People should eat whatever they want, and Angela should be commended for he weight loss. Certainly eating less fatty foods helped her achieve this. But I take exception to a point she makes about raw foods. She says as soon as she realized no other animal eats cooked or processes foods, she made a connection to raw foods being more natural and led here to abandoning them. This is ludicrous. Other animals don't use stored knowledge, like books or websites - should we abandon those, too?

The anthroplogical history of humans involves cooking food - in fact, cooked meat. As we cooked meat, our jaws got smaller, and our skulls had more room for brain. As our brains got bigger, we gained in intelligence. The truth is, Angela was only able to come to the decision to eat raw foods because her ancestors ate cooked meat.
Leora said…
I've read Angela's posts on Natural News, but I've never seen a picture of her. I'm glad this method has worked for her. She does look much healthier. I could relate to the part of the video where she says she said she was fine, but inwardly she wasn't. Unfortunate, that we feel we have to be dishonest about our feelings because there's this pressure to always be positive.
Carol said…
Good for her!!!!!!!
yardsnacker said…
Love Angela, but you're my raw food inspiration indeed! Moowahahahah!
Isle Dance said…
Thanks so much for sharing this, HiHo. It's amazing to watch others shine. :o)
Anonymous said…
Hi Heidi, I had heard that Angela was on CNN but hadn't seen it until this afternoon. I was on my way out the door and my mother was telling me to come to her room quickly. I did and Voila! There was Angela and her cute self was speaking on CNN. My mother thought her story was an incredible one, it is indeed. I'm so proud of her.
Yes I have heard of her. She makes lots of sense. Sailor even said she did. He can see 50% raw seems like a number he could reach. We're getting there, tell Sam that. . . ha ha. He is the one who started me looking into this whole thing, and now you are continuing to inspire us to continue onward. Yea for you two!

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