Where O’ Where Has Spring Gone to?

O’ where o’ where could it be?

Yeah, it’s not here. At least, not this week. We’ve been having some whack-a-doodle weather lately and yesterday was one of those days.




Sun breaks


Isn’t spring supposed to look like this?

Instead it looked like this yesterday.

This is beyond the saying “April showers bring May flowers.” I’m sitting at my computer with a scarf on. Wonder where my gloves are?


Isle Dance said…
Hee. Yeah, so true. Goodness. Thankfully, my scarf and gloves were still in my backpack. Brrr. Things should be back to normal by Monday, I hear. Bundle up until then! :o)
MARYYX said…
I see you like flowers! So, are you a gardener? Here in Texas we are having super weather, and the roses have all begun to bloom. Yea! I've been putting lots of photos up on my garden blog. I'm headed out the door right now to harvest some strawberries.

Have a super day
yardsnacker said…
Crazy days and crazy nights I tellsya!
Carrie Nicole said…
Ha! I had my gloves on yesterday at the computer, wasn't typing worth a crap but my hands were warm...ha!

Let's just hope this is pre-payment for a long, hot summer, eh?
RisibleGirl said…
I was commenting about the very thing to BJ. On that day within a half an hour we had about 20 different types of weather going on.

It's a beautiful day today, thankfully.

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