Get Out Your iPods!

I filched this from Pixywinks’ blog and it's not Friday - is this allowed?! Ha ha. Looks fun so I thought I’d play. Feel free to swipe this too if you’d like. Rules are to hit ‘shuffle’ on your iPod or MP3 player then answer each question by hitting ‘next.’ No cheating!

I feel I should preface this by saying my so-called MP3 player is my PDA phone, which doesn’t possess the best shuffling capabilities so I will just go with what comes up but don’t be surprised if you see repeat artists (if it's the same song I'll skip)….I actually do have lots of different music on it!

Q: What does next year have in store for you?
A: Steam Engenius – Modest Mouse

Q: What does your love life look like next year?
A: Ocean of Noise – Arcade Fire

Q: What do you say when life gets hard?
A: Windowsill – Arcade Fire

Q: Song that reminds you of good times?
A: Giddy Up – The Hives (lol)

Q: What do you think when you get up in the morning?
A: Heroine – Blonde Redhead (hmmm….no need for concern folks! The drug version is spelled without the last e – whew!)

Q: What song will you dance to at your wedding (or wedding anniversary?)
A: Daylight - Coldplay

Q: Song that reminds you of your first kiss?
A: Pace is the Trick - Interpol

Q: Your favorite saying?
A: Length of Love - Interpol

Q: Favorite place?
A: Australia – The Shins (Ooh! This is a good one. I bet it would be my favorite place if I’d been there before!)

Q: Most missed memory?
A: Spitting Venom – Modest Mouse (don't think so...)

Q: What song describes your best friend?
A: I Close My Eyes – Hard-Fi (good thing it wasn't the last one!)

Q: What song decribes your ex?
A: Sing for Absolution – Muse (huh.)

Q: Where would you go on an important date?
A: Black Wave – The Shins

Q: Drug of choice?
A: Supermassive Black Hole - Muse

Q: What song describes yourself?
A: Knights of Cydonia - Muse

Q: What is the thing you like doing most?
A: Rest My Chemistry - Interpol

Q: The song that best describes the President?
A: We Are Pilots – Shiny Toy Guns (uh…)

Q: Where will you be in 10 years?
A: Slow Down – Nada Surf

Q: Your love life right now?
A: Forest Fire – Editors (Hot cha cha cha!!)

Q: What is your state of mind like at the moment?
A: In My Place – Coldplay (yep!)

Q: How will you die?
A: Til Kingdom Come - Coldplay


Fun Fun Fun!
Thanks for playing.
Isle Dance said…
I don't have an iPod or a MP3 player, but it's fun reading this! :o)

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