
Showing posts from February, 2012

Leap Year + Morrocco Method + a Giveaway

Happy Leap Day/Year! As you know, Leap Year occurs every four years and is to synchronize with the Georgian calendar . Basically, it takes 365.242199 days of a solar or tropical year for the earth to circle the sun once. Our calendar, which is 365 days, is short of a solar year by nearly 6 hours so by adding a day every four years, this will be corrected. Otherwise, after 100 years, our calendar would be off by about 24 days. So it could get wacky! There is a little catch to all of this: a leap year has to be evenly divisible by 4. Years that are evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they can also be evenly divided by 400. So back in year 2000 that was a leap year but 1800 was not. ( source and source ) So let’s “leap” ahead to hair. What does one have to do with the other? Nothing really. But, today is leap day and I am hosting a giveaway from Morrocco Method , which is leap (for joy) worthy, so there you go. Anyway, have you ever had a bad hair day (or days)? ...

Thoughtful Thursday


This n That

Hey hey! I feel like this month is going kind of slow but on the other hand, I can’t believe it’s nearly over. I dunno, it’s just craziness. Work’s been keeping me busy busy so I’m behind on things…like catching up on blogs. I’ve been trying though! I’ll catch up eventually. So if you haven’t seen me yet, you will. Valentine’s was a lovely day for us here. Hopefully, for you too. We exchanged presents and cards, nothing too fancy because that’s just how we roll but I did splurge and get some goodies from Heathy of Sweetly Raw . We dug into the treats before properly taking pics. Can you blame me? The caramel pecans? Oh yeah! So nummy! I have to admit some goodies didn't make it to the photoshoot. Oops. Yummy, though. :) And in Sam fashion for V-day, he got me flowers…to PLANT! Primroses. They smell so wonderful! Speaking of primroses, have any of you read " The Hunger Games "? I just started reading it. I’m already looking forward to the movie. If you've r...

Thoughtful Thursday


Guest Post: Helping Kids Become Raw Foodies

source The Raw Diet is a really healthy and energy-boosting diet option which can be embraced for a lifetime. Anybody living on these diets really does see and feel the benefits and improvements in their bodies. It’s possible to incorporate raw foods into children’s diet from their first taste of solid food and then you can be instrumental in the growth of a new generation of raw foodies. It’s a fact that kids can be really picky eaters, especially when trying something for the first time or cooked differently. If you’re introducing raw foods to a child who is used to the textures and flavors of cooked products, it will take some time to get them to make the big change, because that’s exactly what it is. There are plenty of things you can do as a parent or relative to help your children embrace and enjoy a raw food diet, if introducing it when they’re a little older. Get involved together All get involved when preparing meals. Have your kids help you prepare all the ingredient...

DIY: Face Scrub

Hello and happy Monday! Tomorrow is Valentine's Day . Do you love or hate V-day? I used to loathe it. My expectations were too high or too low, not sure which but I got to a point where I treated it as any other day, just a day. Of course, things have changed so now I enjoy it. But, no matter how you feel about it, I hope it's a good day for all. By the way, thanks for your comments on my worst first date post. It's long in the past so I can definitely look back on it and laugh (while shaking my head). Everyone's got to have at least one bad date right? Sad that some of you have had worse! I feel for you. Another BTW, I haven't announced the winner of the Morrocco Method giveaway yet because I haven't heard back from them yet (I emailed them). Sooo, if they don't respond very soon I'll have to choose another winner and maybe it will be one of you! Stay tuned. Boy, I'm chatty. Okay, now, for today's post. Sugar Face Scrub . I. Am. In. L...

My Worst Date

Hey hey Valentine peeps! I thought in honor of the Day of Love, I'd share with you my worst (first) date story. I lived to tell the tale so you know, in the end, everything turns out a-ok! * I do not have any pics from said sorry tale (this is a good thing in retrospect), so all pics you see are courtesy of other sources . K, here we's long, sorry. If you've got a few minutes to spare, feel free to read on. Not sure if this counts as a true first date but there was this guy I was sorta seeing. We “hung” out a lot but he never took me out officially (should’ve been my first clue this guy was not worth my time). Well, an opportunity came around where I took HIM out. My company was organizing a river rafting trip and I’d always wanted to go so here was my chance. I paid for the trip and invited him. Figured if he said no I could ask someone else to join me. Well, he said yes. Real date set… On the day of the trip, I picked him up and drove the 2 hours to the ...

Thoughtful Thursday



Love everyone. I'm not talking Valentine's Day love, I'm simply saying love. Whether they be difficult people or complete strangers or whose beliefs are different than your own, just love. xo P.S. I know it's not Thoughtful Thursday, that will still happen, but I felt compelled to write this today.

Super Weekend

Hello super friends! It was a super weekend with super awesome weather here! It was practically spring! YS2 took a few bike trips outside. Did you watch the Super Bowl? I did not. I love football but didn't care about either team. Sorry fans of either. Also, it helps if one has TV...we don't, by choice, so no game or commercials for me. I watched the halftime show online (tsk tsk MIA!). :) So instead of watching the big game or eating tons of food, I was making raw onion bread . What's sad is I only had enough flax seeds for onion bread so I made a double batch. Not that I'm complaining mind you, I just was in the mood to make more raw stuff. Yeah, I could've gone to the store but I didn't feel like it. Actually, if Raw Vegan Source was open on Sunday, I totally would've gone shopping. You wouldn't believe how long my list is and now it's even longer. When I do go shopping in the near future, I'll have to close my eyes and cover my ears when...

Giveaway: Morrocco Method

Hello my friends! Got a fun post for you today as it involves a giveaway. Now, before you get all excited and completely ignore my words, wait. Let’s have a chat. Don’t worry, you’ve got time to enter…and you have to see what this is all about anyway. Are you familiar with Morrocco Method ? If not, I’ve reviewed their products here and here . Me likey their hair products. Morrocco Method was founded by Anthony Morrocco, who knows a thing or two about hair and holistic health. He’s been researching them for over 40 years! Anthony had seen a whole host of hair and scalp issues go untreated, unresolved when he began his career. Much of his knowledge and expertise comes from studying Ayurvedic and Chinese herbalism so when you combine that with modern science you’ve got Morrocco Method. His goal was/is to successfully treat hair and scalp problems and not just cover it up with more styling products or an expensive new ‘do. All MM products are carefully designed to healthify (okay, n...

Thoughtful Thursday

This is the last installment of my "healing journey" ( pride , humility , and forgiveness ) via Thoughtful Thursday (next week's TT will be back to "normal"). Thanks for hearing me out. I had pretty much moved on from what I now deduce as a toxic relationship but for whatever reason it'd been on my mind. I believe I'm at a point now where it no longer hurts me but something to learn from and simply move on. I'm happy and at peace with my life and where I'm at so today's focus is on peace and happiness . **** :) “When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” ~ Peace Pilgrim ♥ " The good life, as I conceive it, is a happy life. I do not mean that if you are good you will be happy; I mean that if you are happy you will be good." ~ Bertrand Russell ♥ “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” ~ Buddha ♥ "I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in ...