Wayfair Winner

Thank you all who entered, supported my Wayfair giveaway! I'd say it was a success!

The winner of the giveaway, any item up to $65, is...
     #203 bitt "Like" Hihorosie on Facebook

Congrats Bitt! Have fun shopping!

And I'd like to point out like I did in my last post, that again, the winning entry was a "like" for my facebook page. ha ha! I swear it's not rigged! It's all been random, but I'm telling ya, it must be good luck. I did have to update one of my NuStevia winners so it turns out that it was 50/50 but if you count all winners from these two giveaways, which is five, then 3 out of 5 were for liking my page. Still good odds, I think. :)


I'm done with giveaways for the year, however, there will be more coming up next year and I'm thinking of something a little unique for one...I'll let you in on it once I have it all figured out.

More posts coming up soon so for now, enjoy the weekend!


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