Happy Hannah: A Book Review
Good morning and happy Monday! Hope you had a great weekend. Today, I've got a book review I've been meaning to post.
YS2 loves to read. Looooves! Okay, he’s not actually reading the words yet but books are a fave and they have been pretty much from the beginning. He loves books read to him or sometimes he “reads” them on his own.
When I was contacted by author, Elke Weiss, about reviewing her children’s book, “Hannah and the Talking Tree” from Free Focus Publishing, I could see at first glance it’d be a great book for YS2 so of course I said yes.
I was so excited when I got the book and could look at all the beautiful pages. So colorful! And the story is cute. And I thought it was so nice of her to personalize it for Caleb.
It’s written for children (obviously) but the message is a great reminder for adults as well. It’s not annoying or too simple as some children’s books can be. This held YS2’s interest with the colorful pages and the story, which he was able to follow along at his sweet age of two. To say he loves the book is an understatement. It immediately became a favorite and was read 2-3 times (or more) a day for quite some time.
YS2 loves Hannah. He might even identify with her a bit with her ears (*wink*) but he gives Hannah a kiss when she’s sad and then declares her Happy Hannah. It’s so sweet.
The book is printed on recycle paper (of course!) and has won awards (well earned!). You can read more about it here.
Thank you Ms. Weiss for the beautiful gift!

P.S. I received a copy of the book to review, however, I was not paid, asked or expected to write a favorable post. What you read is just my honest opinion. The end. :)
YS2 loves to read. Looooves! Okay, he’s not actually reading the words yet but books are a fave and they have been pretty much from the beginning. He loves books read to him or sometimes he “reads” them on his own.
When I was contacted by author, Elke Weiss, about reviewing her children’s book, “Hannah and the Talking Tree” from Free Focus Publishing, I could see at first glance it’d be a great book for YS2 so of course I said yes.
I was so excited when I got the book and could look at all the beautiful pages. So colorful! And the story is cute. And I thought it was so nice of her to personalize it for Caleb.
The story is about a girl named Hannah who has big ears, which of course, makes her unique but because of it she’s able to help a talking tree she finds. She learns how important trees are to our environment, us and the animals.
YS2 loves Hannah. He might even identify with her a bit with her ears (*wink*) but he gives Hannah a kiss when she’s sad and then declares her Happy Hannah. It’s so sweet.
The book is printed on recycle paper (of course!) and has won awards (well earned!). You can read more about it here.
"Hannah and the Talking Tree" is simply charming and would be wonderful to add to your child’s collection or to give as a gift. You can purchase it online at Amazon.com for $16.95 or check your local book store for a copy.
Thank you Ms. Weiss for the beautiful gift!

P.S. I received a copy of the book to review, however, I was not paid, asked or expected to write a favorable post. What you read is just my honest opinion. The end. :)