
I first saw this video this morning. Apparently, I'm behind everyone else since this video has been viewed nearly 3.3 million times. I've watched it several times now and have bawled each time. Of course, that could be partly my pregnancy. ;) I cry over anything. But seriously, this is worth watching...or hearing at the very least. If you have 7+ minutes to spare please click here. This woman is incredible and I want her to be my friend, including her cat Pebbles.


Isle Dance said…
She has the most AMAZING voice EVER! I am so happy for her. I can't wait to watch the makeover she gets to enjoy (and I want one, too!).
Carol said…
Nope girl, it's not the prego hormones making you cry! I pulled a tissue from my box too!!!
Sarah said…
This video definitely brought tears to my eyes as well. The song was beautiful. I'm so happy for her. She didn't give up on her dream. It's so inspiring to see someone still fighting for their dream at the age of 48. Most people would have given up if they were her.
Michelle said…
I just put this not only on FB but on my blog as well. Today was the first time I saw it or heard about it.

She is simply incredible!!

Read about her on my blog too!!! :O)
RisibleGirl said…
I agree with Isle Dance- I can't wait to see the makeover. I'll be watching for it!
Not pregnant and I bawled too!


Thank you for posting this, Heidi. I'm one in 9 million who had yet to see or hear of Susan Boyle before now.
badash said…
I was a little late too (saw it last weekend) but i am obsessed as well!

I watch it multiple times a day.

My dad watches it about 5 times a day and cries everytime.

Susan has some MAAAAAJOR fans already!!! =)

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