Happy Earth Day

Today, April 22nd is EARTH DAY! I'm not the most green person but I'm trying! What are you doing to help Earth be a better place? For us, we are starting to compost. My hubby, Yardsnacker , is gardening away this season without my help :( and has created his own composting bin. It begins at home of course. Saving our organic scraps then adding them to the pile at the garden, which he turns over frequently. It's looking great I must say! And all those wormies are happy! It's full of life actually and not just with the worms. I ran across an article exposing not-so-green products currently on store shelves; products that claim to be green and earth-conscious but have been found to be the opposite. Of course, there's more out there than what's been addressed in this article. One of the culprits in this article though is Sephora. For those of us who wear makeup (I admit I LOVE makeup - love all things girlie in that sense) there's a website that that's very...