New Love

Howdy-ho kids! Life’s been good these days and thanks to one of my pals, Maria, for making it even better! She was sweet to send me some goodies in the mail recently and the highlight was some organic raw chocolate from Lulu’s.

my goodies

I had never sampled Lulu’s before but knew Maria was a big fan so when she parted with some of her faves and shared them with me, I was honored.

Of course, I quickly dove in. Who can resist chocolate?! Every once in a while I come across someone who isn’t a fan and I think, “whaaaa?” Does not compute.

Anyway, back to Lulu’s Chocolates. I tried Sedona Spice, Chocolate Maca Chunk, Aztec Crunch, and Smoked Sea Salt Almond.

What’s great about Lulu’s is she tells you exactly what goes into each bar.  They’re also low-glycemic because they are made with coconut sugar from Coconut Secret. Mmm! All of the cacao is fair-trade, sourced from small family farms using sustainable practices. Plus it’s organic. So all around you’re getting a high quality product from start to finish.

The Sedona Spice one was tasty but not that spicy to me. Maybe my taste buds weren’t that sensitive to heat that day but I didn’t detect much of a kick. Still good, just hoped it would be a bit spicier.

Aztec Crunch. Now we’re talking a different kind of kick with this one! I love cacao nibs in my chocolate (most of the time anyway) because it gives that crunch but also an extra boost of energy. I could eat this daily.

The Smoked Sea Salt Almond one was really nice. A subtle yet different flavor with the smoked sea salt. Almonds in chocolate are always A-Okay, too! A good balance of flavors. Yum.

Last but certainly not least, Chocolate Maca Chunk. Wow wow wow! Seriously, wow. This one, hands down, was my favorite! I had to refrain from eating the whole thing to save a bite (just one) for Sam but I could eat this one hourly or as a meal. When I first bit into it, I thought, hmm…interesting but then it was like BAM! More, please. If you’re not a fan of maca, you might not like it so just pass it to me if you don’t. I’ll take over. J Lulu’s has another maca bar with even more maca in it but for me, the Chocolate Maca Chunk is just perfect.

what was once left of the Chocolate Maca gone...

Thanks Maria for sending me these goodies! You can follow Maria Organica on her facebook page or blog for her latest happenings. And check Lulu’s Chocolate for more info on their delicious products or like their fan page.

P.S. I was not paid or expected to write this post. In fact, Lulu's Chocolates has no idea who I am. Maria does but Lulu does not so this post was all about sharing the love... That is all. :)


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