I did it!

Howdy friends! It's been almost a week but welcome to spring! I took a couple days off from work to have an extra long weekend (love!) and it was quite timely, too. Our weather improved. Maybe I should take more days off… ha ha! Guess I should warn you now that in the near future a picture-heavy post is coming because I love spring and seeing all the blossoms and new life I can’t help but take a bazillion pics.

This post is about doing some other things, hence the title. Like buying some much needed raw food staples. Okay, it was Sam who broke down and did some online shopping via RawFoodWorld.com. We didn't get everything there, mostly things that were too good of a deal to pass up. I still have some other shopping to do and would like to do that locally.

Anyway, we got some boring stuff like maca (crazy good deal), raw carob (personally, I’m not a fan of carob much), mesquite, and agave (I don’t buy into the whole thing that all agave is bad so I still use it, among other sweeteners). Oh but the agave…man oh man! We tried the clear agave by Ojio. Um, yeah. So good!  Highly recommended.

It’s always fun to order the not-so-boring items. You know, something fun or unusual or never-tried-before. One of those items were Sacha Inchi seeds. They tasted nutty, like peanuts at first. And had a nice crunch. YS Sr. and YS Jr. were not fans. I, however, was. I just snack on them but I bet they’d be good in something. A smoothie is an easy option but I’m sure something else too.

We also got some rye “bread” (they were the size of crackers, not bread!). I’m not usually a fan of caraway seeds but this was alright. I made a little sandwich (cracker size) with Vegenaise and pickles. Sounds weird, I know but it was pretty good. But wait! We discovered mold halfway through the package. GROSS! In exchange for those, we’re getting another bottle of that yummy agave. I’ll take that.

The other “I did it” thing I did was finally bought myself a Tiffin (there are less expensive alternatives at Indian markets – this one just happened to be in my face). Now, to plan my yummy lunches. Nikki at Fresh Young Coconut is my inspiration for many such delights. If I make anything worthy to share I will.

Okay, now my last “I did it” thing. For me, this is a big thing. Seriously. I’m officially entered in my first 5K! Now, I know, it’s only a 5k but still it’s a big deal for me. I’m not a runner. I don’t even pretend to like it (even though I want to) so for now, I’ll be mostly walking, which is fine because I’ll have Ys2 with me. I’ll be pushing him along in a jogger when he’s not out walking beside me. And, most likely I will be doing two 5Ks around the same time but one is officially set. Woo hoo!



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