Good morning and happy March! Our weather as of late has been fooling us into believing it’s December still and not March. We’ve been having cold damp weather, including snow. Ugh, I’m so ready for spring. And spring makes me think of green things and St. Patrick’s Day! * Do you remember as a kid having all your food dyed green for St. Patty’s Day? Never looked appetizing let alone tasted good. Now, that I’m grown up and know a thing or two about food, I know that traditional green food coloring is bad stuff. The best green foods one could reach for (St. Patty’s Day or any day) is the whole, natural kind like spinach, kale, chard, collards, lettuce, etc. No chemicals, no additives, nothing harmful or weird. And one excellent way to get those greens is SMOOTHIES! Green smoothies…mm! Even kids love them! If you’ve never tried one, you’d really be surprised to find how great tasting they are (okay, sometimes when experimenting things can go wrong but follow a tried and tru...