Summer Fun in Pics

Update: comments are working now! Comment away if you like. Sorry about that. Thanks Kelli for bringing it to my attention.


Howdy ho kids!

I managed to pull myself away from my new obsession: Pinterest. I don't normally web-surf or have many real addictions but this oh...well, a useful (ahem) but potential time-waster if you ask me - I love it. For those not familiar, it's a virtual pin board. Pin things you like (no more bookmarking!), follow others, comment, "like" stuff, etc. Warning: addicting.
And thank you to those who have "liked" me on facebook. Yes, HiHoRosie can now be found on facebook - yeehaw! I feel silly about it actually because well, it's not like I'm real big in the blogging world but still thought it'd be fun to have. I mean, I don't share my personal profile publicly (I'll friend you, I just don't advertise it or share my full name anywhere) so a blog-related profile was born. I still need to update my profile but will do that soon. Thought I'd only get 10 likes but now I have almost 30! Wee! Like me if you'd like. Hint: could benefit you in the future.

Anyway, reading this post's title I know summer isn't over but it does seem to be winding down here. Kinda sad really. It never really got going although, we've been enjoying some beautiful sunny and/or rain-free days, it's just been on the mild side (mostly 70's). With some of you dealing with extreme high temps, I think our mild temps here are appreciated. Summer is still going strong for kids/students, too, since most don't start till after Labor Day.

I do have to wonder if a couple trees near my home missed the memo that summer lasts for another are some fallen leaves I found:

Huh??? Pretty but way, way too soon.

So let's not think about fall just yet. There's still summer to enjoy, right? Right.

Today, I bring you some summer pics I took. I warn you: I was having a wee bit too much fun with effects and whatnot. All or most pics were taken with my cell phone (my real camera's focus is out of focus - so let's throw it out there: I need a new camera! My birthday's coming up in 55 days...not that I'm counting down or anything). So, please bare with me as I share. I hope I don't annoy too much with my fun-ness. :)

Another warning: there are a lot of pics...and sunflowers...and YS2...I could take pics all day long...
can you see Mt. Rainier??? Not a good zoom lens on a cell.

the cutest and fastest bffs EVER! Random meeting and boy, did they have fun!

trying to coordinate two 2-year olds to sit for a picture - ha!

artist: hubby
artist: me

artist: ys2

okay, I admit to having too much fun with playdoh

we didn't go to the outdoor theater this time but we will when I know ys2 will sit and enjoy

That's it in a nutshell. Of course, there are always more pics, in fact, I sense a garden post with pictures coming up soon. But next though, a giveaway. Stay tuned for that!

Hope you've been having a splendid summer, too!


Anonymous said…
YAY! I just liked your facebook page -congrats!! You even have some famous people liking it!!! Penni and Rawdog!!??? WOW! You go girl!!

I haven't done Pinterest yet.....I am scared...that's all I need more time wasters!!! hahahah

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