Reviews - 4 for 1

I recently received a few things from my friends over at CSN Stores. You know the ones who’ve got everything under the sun from kids backpacks to couches to blenders for you to choose from? Time for some holiday shopping! Personally, I don’t start until after Thanksgiving but that’s just me…

I assigned myself the task of choosing something for our home and it was hard narrowing it down since there are so many things I would love. But I finally was able to decide on three things, which I will review here today.

First up, a kitchen magnet. Not for the fridge but for our knives. Currently, we have a knife block but since we don’t have much counter space to begin with this just takes away more space plus it looks like bulky ugly clutter when crowded between a juicer and a food processor. So out it went and up goes the magnet bar by Mundial.

It’s so great freeing up a little extra counter space and I love how handy it is. It’s strong both in the wall and for the knives; the magnets themselves are just strong enough to hold all of our knives from small to large. I quickly got used to grabbing a knife from the mag bar plus it seems it will be better in the long run at keeping them sharp. I always seem to bang the knives when putting them back in the block. It seems more sanitary too.

Bottom line: I highly recommend a magnet bar for your kitchen knives.

The second thing I got is a Cuisinart spice and nut grinder. I guess the space I cleared up from the knife block was meant for this little guy. Actually, it’s smaller than the knife block and cuter so it’s all good.

We have a little coffee grinder, which has been a good tool but it’s tricky to clean since it’s all one piece and the lid is cracked. With the Cuisinart, the container is removable and dishwasher safe. Woo hoo! Easy to use too – just put your spices or nuts in the container, put the lid on, push down and whirrrrr! We love using fresh cinnamon and cumin (although, not together – ew) and other spices for our recipes. So fresh and much more fragrant too. Oh and it comes with a separate lid for storage. Now it just needs an extra container and we’ll be set. Actually, the only negative I can think of with this is that it doesn’t come with its own cleaning brush. Our old coffee/spice grinder did but this doesn’t. It would be handy when cleaning the big lid as spices get trapped. So that would be my one complaint/suggestion to the Cuisinart folks, otherwise, very handy and I’m glad I have a new grinder.

finely ground cinnamon - yum!

The third thing I got was for YS2. A Melissa & Doug pets mix n’match wooden peg puzzle. I should’ve taken pictures BEFORE he started putting these in his mouth as you’ll see some edges are worn away (I actually try not to let him eat them). This puzzle is geared for kids ages 2 and up but he’s 18 months old so close enough with me watching him. He can easily pick up each puzzle piece by the peg with his chubby fingers and he’s starting to catch onto which way the puzzle piece goes. He has fun taking out each piece then trying to put them back. It’s funny, shortly after he received this puzzle we got another M&D puzzle from a friend – he loves them both!

My last review is of CSN Stores. My experience with them this time and in the past has been favorable. My orders have been correct so I received exactly what I ordered and I received them promptly even when opting to ship economically (aka slow). I did learn through this last experience since I ordered three different brand items that they come from places. But all shipments arrived safely (well-packaged) and on time.

I’d be interested in your thoughts if you’ve had any experience with these items or brands I reviewed today, if so, please feel free to share in comments.

Disclosure: I was provided by CSN Stores an online gift card excluding shipping costs. The products I reviewed were of my own choice so that means my reviews and experiences with each one are 100% honest and my very own. Your opinions and experience may differ.


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