PAM - Friday Fun

May is Pregnancy Awareness Month (PAM). And it's also Mother's Day* on Sunday (*I had a friend who's mother celebrated Mother's Day by honoring/celebrating/appreciating ALL women, not just mothers. I love that!).

I love pregnant bellies. They are so beautiful don't you think? It amazes me (and gets me emotional) knowing there's a baby growing inside. When you're pregnant, it truly is the most beautiful time. I kinda feel sorry for the men who can't experience what we can - you're connected with that baby in so many ways. You're each other's companion 24/7 and just feeling that baby moving inside is the most precious thing.

I miss being pregnant. I do. Some women will find that statement crazy but I had a wonderful pregnancy (delivery was different but not here, not now) and loved knowing I was helping this baby boy inside of me grow healthy and strong. That I would soon see him - I'm still floored that it's all happened so fast! I'm cherishing every moment.

Anyway, I love those pregnant bellies. I wish I had taken more pics when I was pregnant. BTW, have you seen Kristen's latest? So beautiful. And Sarah's been posting weekly. And Lauren, can't wait to see yours!

So in honor of PAM and all women who've helped us in this world, here's something a little fun (and beautiful) I spotted today on Click here.

Happy weekend!


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