Copy Cat

Vegan Valerie has a swell idea that I'm going to have to copy and that is posting in the sidebar a list of the current giveaways happening in blogosphere. I mean with so many going on right now (tis the season) how can anyone keep them straight? Well, maybe you can so I won't speak for you but I know for me, uh no.

So I'll post in my sidebar (when I get there) a few of the contests but here are some others coming up you might be interested in:

Bitt's chia seed giveaway (two pounds people!) - okay, I know I mentioned this before but I'm nice and will mention it again for those who are just tuning in. Ends Thursday, March 4th at 11:59 PM (PST).

Baby Loving Mama in conjunction with The Baby Bunch is hosting a great giveaway, definitely worthy of a look. We're talking super cute stuff for babies and mamas! Ends March 15th at 11:59 PM (CST).

Okay, the sidebar thingy...I'll work on it tomorrow. Time for nigh-night.

Updated to add this one: Raw Goddess Heathy's chocolate and e-book (her dessert book) giveaway! Could you imagine getting some of these yummy chocolates made by HEATHY?! Ends Sunday, March 7th at midnight (well 11:59 PM) - I'm guessing eastcoast time.

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