Labor Song

So hubby and I are taking a 6-week natural birthing course and can't believe we only have one class left. I highly recommend this type of class to anyone who gets pregnant, even if you plan on a hospital birth. Very helpful to say the least.

Anyway, last week we had to prepare my labor bag. You know the one to take with you when "this is it!" :) One thing we still need to work on to include in that bag are compilation CDs/MP3s. Music I'd like playing in my room to help create the type of environment I'd like to have while in labor and/or after delivery. Our teacher suggested you may want different genres because what you like now you might not like while in labor. I can only imagine! This morning on the way to work, we heard the perfect labor song. LOL! Listen to the lyrics and you'll understand. Besides, this guy is awesome! Makes me wonder where have I been?!

I have to confess, that when I first heard this song I thought it was
Gnarls Barkley singing (cool if it was) but was corrected by the dj that it's James Morrison. Who? After I got to work I looked him up on the internets and thought, well he certainly isn't Gnarls Barkley! He kinda looks like he should be the younger brother of Chris Martin of Coldplay. Then I heard some of James' other songs and decided he really doesn't sound much like Gnarls Barkley except for that song I have pasted above but I am digging his music! If you're like me and wonder who the heck this guy is you probably have heard this song.

Okay, I'm sidetracked...what is this post about?

This really won't be one of my labor songs but I do like the song and it made me chuckle. Don't think I'll want to be rockin out while in labor, however, I might have to compile a humorous CD just for fun. If you have any suggestions of what I should include on one of my playlists feel free to share. Maybe something slightly more mellow and/or appropriate. :)

In the meantime, go listen to James Morrison while I do the same.


yardsnacker said…
This guy is awesome...your funny for putting this song together with birth...I heart u.
What a wonderful idea, putting together music to labor by!

Okay, here's some suggestions for you:

Cat Stevens – If You Want To Sing Out because, hey, you just might. :D

Deva Premal – Gayatri Mantra. So, so beautiful and if you're gonna play a mantra during labor, well, why not go for the great guns. This is the most powerful of all the mantras, calling upon the Supreme Almighty Spirit to open our hearts and shower us with Divine Light and Love.

Speaking of showers...a classic...James Taylor – Shower The People. Really gets going around the 3:20 mark. Makes me want to sway my hips and lock arms with those I love.

K.D. Lang – Hallelujah. A b'zillion artists have done a cover of this Leonard Cohen song, but this one is my fave. Such a voice! Gives me goose bumps every time I hear it.

Many Blessings to you, Sam and your impending arrival!
Vibrantly Raw said…
I have had 4 kids and meditation music is what worked best for me! The Ocean sounds could sooth you to remember to relax. Which is so important in Birth. I also like Deva Premal.
Also Mother's Blessing by Snatam Kaur[and her mother but I can't remember her name]. Itunes has a lot of Snatam.

Sandra said…
Baby Love Child by Pizzicato Five (first heard it on Futurama -- expresses that awe-inspiring feeling you feel for your baby so perfectly).

Have a beautiful birthing!
Anonymous said…
LOL that has to be THE best labor song I've ever heard!!! ROFL

You're going to do great. Just trust and know that your body knows what to do, get into a meditative state and just let it all happen. At the point when you honestly think you aren't going to be able to do this, that you want to end the pain, you are over the worst part of the labor! You'll be able to make it through the rest of the labor...and then you'll be giving birth (which there's no way you can even think that there's no way you can't do this...there's no stopping your body!).

It's a beautiful experience and I am looking forward to your birth story if you decide to share it!!

Lots and lots of love to you,

Amanda said…
Thanks for sharing the song, I really enjoyed it! There is only one song I can think of that I would want during labor - Bright Eyes First Day of My Life Have fun making the CD!
Carol said…
Good idea to have a variety. I'd hate for you to get there and be stuck with something that would drive you crazy. I don't have any song tips for ya. I have a horrible time remembering who sings what. It's getting close!! I'm so excited for you both!!!
RisibleGirl said…
Where's the Barry Manilow? Or how about some Vanilla Ice?

I could loan you my Donny Osmond CD set, if you'd like.

Unknown said…
He does look like Chris Martin! Cool song! I agree that a large variety is best in music, I think with my first it was a lot of Cowboy Junkies... I love the idea of some kirtan!
Sarah said…
Love the song :~) It would be perfect, but I definitely understand why it won't make the cut.
I enjoy Enya and feel that her music might be great on the CD.
Michelle said…
Hi Heidi,
Lovely song!! Wow labor songs! WHO KNEW??

Be well my lovely lady!!!
Debbie Young said…
but where oh where is the belly shot?????
YS, get that pic NOW, the baby could come any minute!
deb xoxoxo
yardsnacker said…
debbie, please don't freak me out like that lol! ok bellyshots on the house!
HiHoRosie said…
Thanks everyone for the wonderful suggestions. Even if I don't use music I'd like to have a variety on hand just in case. Now, I have some great ideas thanks to you all.

And Debbie? No early delivery please! Lol! Hoping junior doesn't arrive before 37-38 weeks. :) Seriously working on those belly shots (lol @ yardsnacker btw) but they're less than flattering so it's been hard.
badash said…
Hey I have a question:

Are you going to raise your child to be raw? vegan? vegetarian?

I am always very interested in this... let me know!
Anonymous said…
Yep, I'm still here. No idea when it comes to labour music but hope you're doing well :-)
Popping in to say Helllloooooo! I can't wait for baby to come. Don't have any song suggestions at the moment, but I did enjoy that one. Wishing you the best.
Colleen Miller said…
Hi there!
Glad to see everything is going great!!!
Have you heard about the Hypnobabies CD's? I've been listening to them religiously lately and plan on listening to them during my birthing. They teach you how to meditate through labor. Very inspiring!!!
Take Care!!!
Donia said…
I am so excited for you guys that your little one's arrival is just around the corner. Music was an essential element of my birthing experience. that and essential oils being diffused.

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