Product Review and Something Else...Read On!

Before I get into this review I must gripe about something. My computer is broken AGAIN! Yes, it is. Apparently, it's the motherboard causing the problems not my hardrive. Grr. So I don't know when I'll have my own computer again but thankfully, Sam's got his I can use. I just don't like using other people's stuff especially the computer because sometimes I like to spend a lot of time on it. hee hee!

Okay, that's out of the way now on to my product review.

What's the product I'm reviewing you ask? Well, I'm going to give you my review of the
Vita-Mix 5200!

We currently have the 5000 model but had been eyeing this upgraded version when we first saw it. I was so happy to get my grubby little paws on this. Don't get me wrong, we loved our first
Vita-Mix (I think it loved us back) but when we started using the 5200, wow. What a difference (we've had the cheap blenders before and they just don't cut it).

First the lid. It's so much easier to take off and put on. There's no fussing or fighting with it. Also, the handle is made of rubber so again easier to grip and much more comfortable.

Second, it's...shhh...quieter. I know! How is this possible with such a powerful machine (2 HP)?! Okay, it's still loud compared to smaller/regular blenders but again comparing the two Vita-Mixes, this is way quieter.

You know what else? It's easier to clean. Maybe this is because of newer, better materials used. Food doesn't like to stay stuck to it. Not that you'd leave a dirty blender sitting around but sometimes you're in a hurry to get out the door. Speaking of improved material, the carafe is

I think of this Vita-Mix 5200 as the Vita-Mix I've come to know and love but even better.

Oh, hold on! I almost forgot to mention that you know those pesky little raspberry seeds (or any other seedy berry) that never seem to grind up? Well, they do in the 5200. I don't do raspberries myself but Sam loves 'em and blackberries too so he made a smoothie with them and whaddya know? Seeds were ground up. Smooth smoothie baby.

You can grind up flax seeds too with no problem. Or nuts. Sam is my smoothie man
so when making our morning smoothies he just tosses in whole nuts (almonds, brazils, cashews, etc) and they grind up no problem.

We use our blender for everything. Out of all of our main appliances used in making raw foods, I'd say the Vita-Mix is king.

Now for the "something else." That would the GIVEAWAY!

Remember that little contest I mentioned in my previous post? Well, in conjunction with
(yes, my husband) we are going to give away a Vita-Mix 5200 blender to ONE LUCKY PERSON!

How's that for big?

Here are the rules - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:

1. Contest starts now.
2. Contest ends in two weeks, Thurs. Feb 5th, 2009 at midnight PST.
3. Contest is only applicable to those in the continental United States (lower 48 only - sorry Alaska, Hawaii, Canada and everywhere else around the world).
4. For first prize (the Vitamix 5200), submit a
video response of why you deserve this blender or how it will improve yours and/or family's life to Yardsnacker's youtube channel. Please keep it to 1-2 minutes in length. We are going this route because the prize is so big. Feel free to be creative with your videos.
5. For second prize, those who choose not to participate for 1st place (
Artisana coconut butter, 16 oz jar), submit a text comment on Yardsnacker's youtube channel (his video) stating "please enter me."

Any questions, please ask!

Best of luck to all who participate!


Carol said…
Wow this is a BIG giveaway!!!!! I won't be entering myself since I have my own handy dandy blender. So I wish all those who enter the best of luck!!

And congrats to you Hiho on your new purchase!!
WOW Heidi & Sam! This is so amazing. How unselfish, generous, kind, sweet, (did I mention generous?) are you?
Actually I got a VitaMix 5200 for Christmas this year and LOVE it. Your recommendation was what prompted me to look into it in the first place. VitaMix should actually give YOU another one. I am sure you have already "sold" several just from your blogs.
PS when I read the first part about your computer, I read "motherhood" not "motherboard" at first. I couldn't imagine how that could affect a computer. Sorry it is down. I have missed you.
Debbie Young said…
I have just the thing, when you see this video you will be BEGGING me to take your vitamix!
love you both
ps OOPS I meant to say love you All three of you, how could I forget YS2?
yardsnacker said…
Does it mean I won already if I consider you the best prize ever?

Anonymous said…
Wow!!! You two RAWk big time!!! Good luck to everyone entering to win the amazing prize!!!!

You should put your give-away event on the All Raw Directory to possibly get some more responses. You can put it in as many categories as you think it would fit (including the classifieds). :-)

Lots of love to all of you!

bitt said…
i will forfeit my chance to someone in greater need than me and continue to annoy my neighbors with the blendtec's noisiness.

you are amazing to offer this!
RisibleGirl said…
If I entered and won, it would look fishy- so I'll stay out of it. Instead, I'll just enjoy the clever videos.

It was GREAT to see you two yesterday, even though it required TWO doses of two pain pills to take the edge off.

(now I'll have your readers wondering... ha ha)

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