Helping Hands

Happy May Day! Can't believe it's May already.

If you get a chance read this article - it brings tears to my eyes because it's no longer about the game being played, who's winning, who's better but people coming to the aid of another and bringing to light what really matters. I love reading, hearing, seeing true stories like this of any sort (and would like to see more!), where selfless acts are displayed - and I hope to be more aware of my place in this world and help those around me.


Michelle said…
Hi Heidi,
Happy May to you!! This story is amazing! I wrote in my blog about random acts of kindness! I'd say this qualifies don't you? I love it when people do things like this! It certainly reinforces the love that most of us have for each other! Thanks for sharing this! It made my day!
Anonymous said…
I love this story. I almost cried. Wouldnt it be nice to know you had such wonderful friends?

I added you to my blog list today! I love all the neat stuff you put in your blog!

MARYYX said…
Hi Heidi
When I saw your picture of the Maypole, I had a flashback to the first May Day in my memory. My mom helped me make May baskets, and then drove me around town teaching me how to hang the basket on the door handle, ring the bell and then leave.

She said the person who answered the door was then supposed to try and catch you and give you a kiss. Knowing this, when we stopped at the home of a boy I liked, our pastor's son, I just stood at the door after I rang the bell. When he saw me, he called his sister to come give me a kiss. I was probably in 1st grade.

Isle Dance said…
Awww...thanks for sharing! Happy May Day!! :o)
Penni said…
Hello Rosie!

Thank you for stopping by my blog...yours is fantastic! I'll be back regularly!

melindapollard said…
What an awesome story- this is what life is all about, stopping along the way to help others and putting others first- thanks so much for sharing-that was so beautiful:)

RisibleGirl said…
What an awesome story. :)

Happy belated May day! Every time May day comes around, I think about the impromptu parade of nekkid bicycle riders about 8 years ago. Fortunately one of my co-workers was waiting for the bus with me and we looked at each other and said how glad we had someone with us because nobody would EVER believe it. We both worked late that day and had quite a surprise waiting for us.

She emailed me on May day this year and wrote, "remember when".

Heck yes! I sure do!

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