Springing Forward

Spring has sprung and now summer is well upon us. Ah spring. A time for change, new directions, cleaning and re-evaluating. I missed out on spring somewhat because I was busy with other things. ;) I'm at a point now where I'm ready to make some changes that had changed during pregnancy -- if that made sense. While I was pregnant, I ate a fair amount of cooked while still eating some raw foods. Now I'm starting to feel that I'm ready to get back in the game (helps that YS2 is sleeping more at night -- three nights in a row it's been 6 or more hours at a time -- Yeehaw!). The raw game that is. I plan on easing back into it as I'm still nursing but with the help of Yardsnacker, I'm having more fresh juices, raw fruits/veggies and those yummy green smoothies. Along with that change, I'm trying to exercise, get out in the fresh air more. This seems to bode very well with YS2. He comes home all tuckered out and sleeps really well through the nights we've done this. I wanted to spell this out more for me than for those of you reading this. It commits me. It gets me more excited about the path I'm venturing on. It even got me excited to blog again! Not that I didn't want to blog but life has prevented me from doing much with it but I do feel a renewal with it because of my new goals. Anyway, those are my thoughts. Now, here are some pics from today's walk (and no, I won't do this every day - ha ha!):

Friends we met along the way:

Anyone know what kind of tree this is?

Please don't yell at us for his straps.


Leora said…
You sound great! I had to scroll down to picture 8 to see your little guy? He's adorable.

I learned how to make a pressed salad this past June (it's a macrobiotic recipe). I have the post scheduled for tomorrow.

Love all the enthusiasm and the flowers.
Lauren said…
So happy to hear you will be blogging more!! Your little YS2 is sooo freaking adorable!!! Looks like a lovely walk!

Thanks for the love and support on my previous blog post, it's so nice to know I have such special bloggy friends out there! Big HUGS!
RisibleGirl said…
If anybody yells at you for YS2's straps let me at 'em. I don't think the straps are a huge deal because he's lying down. But then again, we were pretty free-wheelin' with babies when I was raising them (could explain a few things.)

The kitty reminded me of when Jimi use to follow us to the bus stop. What a weird cat.

Oh ps- YS2 is simply adorable.
Ingrid said…
Look at your precious bundle of joy! He is so handsome and he is growing up so quickly. Oh the cat is cute too [I love cats]. Looking forward to most posts from you. xoxo
Whoa! You sure that lil' sprout is only munching on your milk? Look how he's grown! Must be those green smoothies Mommy's been sucking down. :D
Kristen's Raw said…
That's awesome that you're adding more Raw. YAY! and..... YUM!

Michelle said…
Very nice plan H! Exercise and raw = perfect.

I too am getting my raw on in the form of juicing and smoothies. I love it. I add chia seeds to smoothies. AWESOME!!!

Caleb is pure awesomeness!!!
Carol said…
Good for you HiHo!! I'm glad everything is going well for you and that little cutie pie!!
bitt said…
should i be yelling at you for the straps? i think i would be yelling at you if he WASN'T strapped, right? at least in the car. don't worry i know nothing about babies. but when he gets into elementary school then i can start judging. (just kidding.)
Heather Pace said…
Rosie girl!!!

So nice to hear from you - glad to see you;re enjoying summer. Caleb is sooooo cute! You must love being a mom (and you make a great one!)

Sending out love, light, and hugs!
shannonmarie said…
I bet your little man loved getting out for that walk. The fresh air was good for the both of you.

Glad to hear your going back to raw, but I have to agree with you about doing it slowly. Although I'm craving raw again, I know it is important to take your time to reduce the detoxing effects that can be passed on to your baby.

I wasn't surprised to see you blogging less. That boy needs you more than we do, but I'm happy to still get a few updates once and a while. I'll probably treat my blog the same way once Hayden arrives.
Debbie Young said…
number one: How adorable and kissable is YS2????
number two: How great is it that you call him YS2, I am so flattered;)
number three: you better use straps! babies can escape from a Houdini like structure!
love you all
PS Love that note with the coconut oil , got here in the nick of time!!!!!!!

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