
Whoa, two blog posts in two days from me?! I've gone cuckoo I tell ya! :)

It's Valentine's Day (well, tomorrow), which means chocolate. Mmmm...good stuff. Now, most of us are aware of the many health benefits it has. Antioxidants, magnesium, potassium and so on, so here's a little video talking about this very thing.

You know what I say? Go find some RAW chocolate. The doc in the video mentions for the most health benefits look for chocolate that's the least processed. Hmm, that means raw cacao doesn't it? She doesn't say that but I do. Okay, for some of us it's a little harder to find (and a little more expensive) than say your standard Twix bar but if you can, find some and splurge for the holiday! There are options out there however, I'm a big fan of Gnosis Chocolate (I highly recommend my fave, the Cool Peppermint).

Raw cacao, including raw chocolate bars, is the way to go. With the raw "candy bars" you get the most health benefits vs. the other stuff and they're organic and dairy-free (you'd never know or would never miss it) and they're TASTY so you won't be missing out on anything - just pure goodness.

And that's all I have to say about that (yes, I watched Forest Gump recently).


Of course in our little desert town in the middle of nowhere with only two grocery stores, I won't be able to find that wonderful stuff. On the internet it is so danged expensive, PLUS SHIPPING, that I wonder if I will ever find it. I might try when I drive to Salt Lake, maybe.Do you think it would be in a Whole Foods or something like that? there is a Sunflowers there that I love visiting for the bulk bins. Maybe they have that?
But now, you have me craving chocolate. . .mmmmm Dove bars. mmmmmm
Carrie Nicole said…
Happy Valentine's Day my dear! Hope you guys have a fabu weekend!
Amanda said…
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you guys get to spend a lot of time together. It's your last V-day without a child!
I looove cacao! We get ours on Amazon with free shipping, and at Whole Foods when we are traveling. I can't have too much though, it makes me hyper.
Kristen's Raw said…
Happy Valentine's Day Gorgeous!!!
Michelle said…
Happy Valentines Day Heidi and Sam!

Love you guys!!!
bitt said…
oh my i've got to go to RVS soon. never been! I'm off next week so I have to make time. yum, gnosis sounds delicious.
bitt said…
I tried the vanilla hazelnut bar. Pretty good but not the BEST i've ever had. I like homemade better. And Mia Dalene is making some now. It's quite yummy.

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