Wanna Laugh?

Now this has nothing to do with anything but it's a video my sister sent and it had me rolling. Tears even! Maybe you'll find it funny or maybe not but thought I'd share anyway and this way I can watch it whenever I need a good chuckle.


Kristen's Raw said…
That is so adorable and hilarious at the same time!


Carrie Nicole said…
ditto to what kristen said... too funny!
Carol said…
Hee. Sure had a lot to say didn't s/he? LOL
RisibleGirl said…
Plus? It's a poodle! There are just way too many funny things about this video.

Have you noticed her (assuming it's a girl) tongue while she's doing all that yapping? It's in a weird place.

I think I"ll watch it again.

and again

and then a few more times.
Michelle said…
My goodness, it sounded like some form of broken english or some language. Like not english really but sort of kind of!!

Ok, all i can say is that was hysterical and strange!!!
Debbie Young said…
it made me laugh and wonder if this dog needs meds.. like doggie downers maybe?
too funny

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