Baby Update

To start, thank you all who've left many well wishes and supportive comments on the news of our expanding family. You truly are the best. Many of you have asked how I'm feeling these days so here's an update:

Everything on the pregnancy front is GOOD! Can't complain much really. No morning sickness for this girl however I've had my fair share of bloatiness (I know not a real word). Too often I have that feeling of I'm (sorta) hungry but
nothing sounds good. Hubby helps me out (a lot!!!) making sure I'm getting food in my tummy. It's not easy sometimes I'm sure because when I do eat I feel so full. Ridiculously full. Other times though, gimme food! ha ha! But really things have been going really well.

And for those wondering, I haven't been strict with my diet as far as being vegan or veg
etarian although many times it is vegetarian but other things that aren't so vegan sometimes find their way onto my plate. But I'm also not going about with the mentality of "eating for two" (it's not even possible anyway!) or eating burgers and fried fat. Bleh. We are still trying to keep it healthy, which usually includes something raw and just going with the flow. Maybe as my appetite improves I'll do more raw and less cooked but for now it's whatever baby dictates.

Trips to the doc (midwife) have been positive. We're going to an awesome birthing center with great great people. I mean everyone is so nice, including the other "clients" (they don't call us patients). They take their time with you at each appointment and answer all your questions without feeling rushed. And they do what you want to do with your pregnancy and birth, which is very comforting.

They completed my lab work this last time and everything came back A-OK except for my iron levels. Way too low. No surprise really. First, most people who know me know my iron levels are on the low side to begin with. Some of you might be familiar with my blood donating attempts and having low iron posted here and here. And second, being pregnant...well, if I wasn't getting enough iron to begin with then being pregnant I'm certainly not getting enough now that I need more. Ugh! Even before we knew this outcome, Sam's been wonderful making me meals that are rich in iron so lots o'spinach and other greens (kale anyone?). But to ensure I'm truly getting enough iron I took the advice of my midwife and picked up some liquid iron. Not exactly tasty but not offensive either. And hey, it's all plant-based and easy on the body.

Now we're working on making sure I'm getting enough protein. Hubby just picked up some hemp protein powder so we'll be incorporating that into both of our diets actually. I don't think I was one who needed a lot of protein daily before pregnancy but now I do.

So many things to remember or be mindful of now that you have to think about the life growing inside you. Making sure you get enough iron and protein and taking your prenatals, getting enough sleep or rest, eating. Again, so so so thankful for hubby. He is my gem and I'd be helpless without him. I love you honey - more and more every day. I think my heart is about to burst!

So at my last appt, we got to hear little babe's heartbeat! Oh my gosh! Didn't go there expecting that to happen but wow, can't even describe the emotions I felt. I was overwhelmed. It was beautiful and special. We only got to hear a few beats here and there as baby was moving around not liking the intrusion.

I want to give a special shout out of thanks to my beautiful SIL and sweet Angela for their gifts to me. These books will keep me busy and well-informed - I need all the help I can get! So thank you ladies! I love you! Also, another shout out of thanks to Annie. You are a dear and very thoughtful as well. Much love to you!


Colleen Miller said…
Hey there,
Thanks for the update. Glad you are feeling well! Do you have any of Ina May's books? She has two on birthing, they are both wonderful. Although I didn't have a homebirth, which is what she does, I sure learned a lot from reading them. Keep us posted!
Happy to hear that all is well with you. What a very happy time for you both.
It is so wonderful that your sweet Sam is taking such great care of you too. I remember when I was pregnant, I just ate what came into view. I wish I could go back now and try that again and do it the vegetarian, raw way. That food he prepared in the last post looks so yummy.
Thanks for the shoutout. You are sweet. I can't do much physically, but you know I think of you and am so happy for you.
Charis said…
Oh, so exciting! I've never heard a baby's heartbeat before...what a sweet sound...

Love the way you follow baby's intuition. ;)
Carrie Nicole said…
Very exciting!! I hear the Jenny McCarthy pregnancy/baby books are hilarious reads too if you need a bit of humour thrown in the mix!
Lauren said…
Great post! I can tell how excited you are. I am glad everything is going along farly smoothly! I can't wait to hear more!! Congrats again!
Carol said…
Wonderful to hear all is going well for your Heidi!! Sounds like you have a great team standing along side you. I look forward to more updates.

PS. I have a friend who could almost only eat corn pops early in her pregnancy. I would have nicknamed the kid corn pop but she didn't. LOL
Anonymous said…
It is good to know you, Sam, and baby are doing fine and that everything overall is positive. What an exciting time in your lives. I feel privileged to be able to following your journey through motherhood. :-)
Lesley Anne said…
I've taken that Floradix stuff before, it's GREAT! I've always had a problem with low iron levels. When I first tried it it tastes so awful I though I might puke. I later found out that if it tastes really bad that means your body needs it. After I kept taking it it started to taste better. Once the whole bottle was gone it tasted great, like fruit. It's awesome stuff, I think it will work out really well for you.
Leora said…
Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy. I would tell you to eat steak once a week (I did that with my last pregnancy; I was basically vegetarian with my first; with my second, I ate one hamburger), but you probably won't. So eat lots and lots of beans! That should help your iron levels.

Take care, and nice to read your excited pre-baby posts.
Kristen's Raw said…
Such beautiful and exciting news and updates :)

I'm stoked that you're using a midwife - YAY!!!

Cheers to you lovely!
bitt said…
low iron, eh? welcome to my world!

Here is a list of veggies sources of iron.

I make a flax cake so I can get over a cup of flax a day. (1 cup flax = 50% daily value) Dulse is amazing too. It's an acquired taste, but I have learned to love it in salads. (1/3 cup dulse = 30% daily value) Also I eat a lot of sesame and sunflower seeds. Someone also told me to take liquid chlorophyll but I'm not sure if that is helping or not.

I am glad you are feeling ok!
Michelle said…

I am very happy for you and Sam!!

Be well my friend!!!
Debbie Young said…
Hey you
make sure you read Continum Concept, great book on child rearing. I did the bradley method with my baby, it was great, I ate a ton of raw almonds!.. of course other stuff too as I was not a raw vegan then..
Deb xoxoo
shannonmarie said…
I remember crying the first time I heard Jacob's heartbeat. It was one of many moments that brought tears of joy. Just wait until you meet your little one face to face.

Don't worry about not sticking to your usual eating habits at this time. You're body will tell you what it needs. I was a vegetarian before getting pregnant, but craved animal products while expecting. I went back to my veggie self once my son was born.
Heather Pace said…
Girl that is so amazing - congratulations times a million!
I was wondering what you've been up to since we haven't talked in ages. Came over to your blog to say hi and I see your news!!! Yowsa!
Sending you love and light
Candice Davis said…
I'm so glad you're doing well! And I'm just as glad that you're not stressing over food. Stay well and happy!
RisibleGirl said…
I thought for darn sure that I'd commented on this. Hmmm... I must be going crazy! Keep the baby away from that crazy lady!

Maybe it was that I commented in person (on the phone).

Can't wait to find out it's a girl! tee hee (wishful thinking)
I'm with risible, I think its a girl. miss your blogs, Heidi. Hope you are feeling well. . .
Anonymous said…
How fabulous HiHoRosie :-) xxx
Anonymous said…
I am going to order some Floradix. Glad you are loving the books :) Sending all my love!

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