Thises and Thats

So I'm slowly getting back in action now that my computer is back up and running (thanks honey!). My hardrive died just before I started my Christmas vacation three weeks ago and then a cell tower near my home also died that I had intermittent (at best) internet on my phone so intentions of getting caught up on blogs was out the window. I used Sam's computer from time to time but I don't like having to use other people's stuff and take up their time so I wasn't online as much. I suppose this was a good thing of sorts. At times I did feel slightly disconnected from people/the world but it also was nice to not be so attached to my computer. Anyway, new hardrive is installed and all's well again.

In fact, on my vacation I had intentions of learning how to knit and/or crochet. I went out and bought all kinds of yarn and the basic tools but yeah....that stuff is still in the bag. I still plan on learning, maybe even take classes. If any of you know of good websites or tips for beginners, please let me know.

I did manage to make my own holiday cards and get them mailed out before Christmas. I started too late and discovered in the process of making them that the card I was making was a little more involved than I originally thought. Oh well. I think they came out alright. It's funny though when making them I wasn't as much of a perfectionist this time around. Normally, when I make my cards I want them p-e-r-f-e-c-t but I think being pregnant and tiring easily I just didn't have as much perfectionism in me. Hopefully no one noticed my mistakes. Now, I'm making the cutest Valentine's Day cards if I do say so myself. Each one is different. I should take a picture...if only I knew where my camera was. Honey?

I have a couple of product reviews I want to share with you but those will be separate posts. And, get this folks, one involves a GIVEAWAY! WOO HOO! Who doesn't like a contest?! No, it doesn't involve money or cars but it's really really good and it is HUGE! Huge in that you'll love it. And it's also a little big. I love oxymorons. So yeah, just a little tease. ;) Yardsnacker and I are teaming up on this one so lots of you can have a chance at this awesomely (is that a word?) cool giveaway. Stay tuned!

Oh and Debbie? No bikini shots of this gal! ha ha! Whoa. That would just be SCARY! Ah, my eyes! My eyes! So yeah, that won't be happenin'. I didn't wear a bikini before I got pregnant - I can't imagine the image now. hee hee!

I've been feeling baby boy's movements like crazy these days especially after I eat. Hopefully, they're love kicks like he's enjoying the food and not kicking me because he's not. I was just reading somewhere that he's now about 8 1/4 inches and weighs about 1 1/3 pounds. You'd think looking at me I was carrying a much bigger baby by now! I've stopped weighing myself because I just don't want to know. Ugh! It's all good though. It's been a great pregnancy thus far and it's so fun seeing and knowing others are pregnant right along with me, including my buddy Rawleen. And yes, I'll work on updated belly shots. Again, gotta find that camera.

Time to sign out. I've got to get caught up on my American Idol watching!! Yes, it's that time of year again. Anyway, you my dear friends, are truly wonderful supportive people. I'm especially grateful you're so forgiving and patient with me. Phew!


Amanda said…
I love to see that you are doing so well. I'm really excited for you!
It's funny, I did the exact same thing with the yarn. I told my daughter that we were going to learn how to crochet and I bought the yarn and needles, and they are still in the bag in the corner of the room. My plan is to find how to's on YouTube, since pictures just don't work for me. If you make something, please share it!
I know there are many knitters on Youtube. I have learned so much there when I need to learn something about knitting. I learned continental knitting
and love it better than the other method.
This shows the continental purl

By the way, cute Christmas cards. Thank you so much. I think they are BEAUTIFUL!
Mine still aren't out. heh heh
I'm getting there. (I've been sick with bronchitis and laryngitis, and still on antibiotics)
bitt said…
Chris is a knitter. You will have to have a stich and b*tch with him. He took some classes in queen anne. I'll have him pass along any info. Knitting for the little one?

I'm a card maker too! Love making them. Over break I made all my valentines, although they were all the same.

Giveaway! Bring it on! I've never won one...ever. :-(

Glad you are doing well.
Sarah said…
I'm glad your computer is up and running again! I've missed your blogs. It's great to know that your doing so well and baby is thriving and kicking ;-)

Anonymous said…
Good to see you back blogging and feeling so good during your pregnancy. Eating right will do that! lol! My first pregnancy I ate anything and everything and lots of it. I was unbelievably miserable! My second was a vegetarian pregnancy and even though I was 10 years older I felt light years better. Vegan and raw vegan eating has to be even better.

sariqd said…
Buf - I would LOVE to get together with you and show you the basics of crocheting... (and yes, I have an ulterior motive - that being I can FINALLY give you your little present that you got a sneek peek at T-day! ;-)
Seriously - do take me up on it... I'll call you & Sam today.
Glad you're back!! Good luck on the knitting.
I barely got my christmas cards out in time.
Lauren said…
Glad to hear you are doing well and that you are back in action! :) Can't wait for this contest..
Carol said…
Welcome back!! Glad to hear you are once again up and running.

A great knitting site is Lots of great tutorials on there.

I'm on the AI bandwagon too!! Looks like it is going to be a great season.
RisibleGirl said…
How about a side shot! (ha ha, I can see you from whatever angle I want, since I get to see you in person!)

I wish we lived closer, dagnabit. I could show you how to crochet in a New York minute. How is it that you got away from the house without learning how to do that?

I'm currently crocheting a little sweater for Einstein. Not getting much done because that puppy takes up a lot of my time between playing with him and watching him to make sure he's not piddling somewhere.
Colleen Miller said…
Hey thanks for the shout out! I need to get updated w/my blog!
I found a great website: that two people recommended and I finally got on it. It helped so much. Look at your local yarn shop for a class. That's how I found one here. I bet they have some really cute yarn shops out by you guys. Glad everything is going well and glad to hear your computer is feeling better :-)
shannonmarie said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog. It's good to know we are in this together. You give me hope that my diet will be back on track soon.

As for the knitting, I have found that activities like that help ease nausea, although you're past that point. I've been lucky enough to have family members who are great at knitting. My mom is actually in charge of our church knitting group. They make prayer shawls, hats for the newborns at the local hospital and other projects for the community.

I really like the organic cotton yarn on the market right now. I've also tried bamboo yarn, but it has a tendency to shed.

If you learn how to knit soon, you'll have a baby blanket made in time for your new arrival. My mom can't wait to hear what color I'm going to request from her. I'm thinking yellow or green just to be different.

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