Guest Post: Green Ways to Deal with Pest Problems at Home

Green Ways to Deal with pest problems at Home

Maybe you're tired of breathing in more and more chemicals. Or you're looking for something more natural or humane. It's even possible that the Raids and Orkins of the world just seem too expensive.


Whatever the reason, you aren't interested in another spray or bug bomb to deal with your pest problem. No worries - there are plenty of green ways to get rid of those bugs!


·      De-bug the environment. Some environments are simply breeding grounds for bugs and other pests, so one great way to solve the problem of attracting these pests is to change the environment. That means keeping your place free of things like old newspapers, paper bags, and woodpiles close to the house.


·      Seal it up tight. Sometimes we become so focused on killing those annoying pests who would dare to invade our space that we forget there's another option - keeping them out in the first place. A few very useful methods include covering vents with mesh, filling in holes, installing proper insulation between windows, and caulking gaps around windows and doors. For larger pests, it's also wise to invest in locks for garbage cans to keep them from getting in and rooting around.


·      Keep it clean. It's no secret that many bugs and other pests are attracted to the dishes we neglect to wash and the food we forget to put away. But if you do a good job of maintaining a clean home where your food is carefully sealed and protected, you'll find that far fewer pests are going to be attracted to your space. If you're lucky, they'll vacate the neighborhood completely, but even if they decide to take up residence at your neighbor's house, better them than you.


·      Use peppermint. Want to get rid of a roach problem? Try mixing peppermint soap into a bottle with water and spraying the areas where roaches frequent. They'll either vacate the premises because they hate the smell or die if they come into contact with the mixture. Peppermint plants are also good for keeping mice out. Who knew peppermint was so hated?


·      Get some moth balls. Obviously they are a great way to protect your clothes from moths, but most people don't know that these environmentally-safe helpers are also useful for keeping out another potentially dangerous pest: snakes!


·      Buy basil plants. Why basil? Because flies hate it for some reason. If you find yourself suffering from an abundance of the little buzzers, put a basil plant in the area where you've been seeing them the most and just watch them clear out.


·      Set out dry mashed potato buds and water. This is another tip for anyone suffering from a problem with mice, but be warned that this is a fatal solution. The mice fill up on the dry potato buds, and when they drink the water, the buds expand. The bloating it causes will kill them.


·      Call an exterminator. That's right, an exterminator. Unfortunately, some problems are just too big for a non-professional to handle, and when you've tried everything you can think of on your own, it's time to call someone. But not just anyone. While some companies out there still use dangerous chemicals, many have realized that people aren't interested in using something that could cause harm to their family or the environment. Instead, they've developed plant-based pesticides and insecticides that will get rid of your problem without the repercussions. Just make sure you ask what green methods they use.


About the Author: Karen Miller has been writing about green solutions for pest control services for over a decade. When she is not writing, you can find her at home with her 2 children.


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