
Wow! Having a baby sure keeps one busy! I keep meaning to blog but life has been keeping me biz-hey! I manage some quick comments here and there via cellphone for twitter and facebook but dedicating much more than a few minutes at a time is rather challenging. I feel lucky at the moment (wink).

To update you quickly on Caleb he is an absolute joy! He gets more beautiful everyday and he's so smart. I know, I sound like every other mom/dad going on and on about their babies but now I can relate to those parents.

As of yesterday, he is FIVE WEEKS OLD! To keep this post short until I can write more, here are some recent pics:

I can't seem to fix that one that's sideways...sorry. I do want to point out that yes, he really does smile. He smiles a lot! He's been smiling for about three weeks but it took awhile for us to capture it on camera. He laughs but only in his sleep. :)

I love this boy!

PS - Thanks DebbieDoesRaw for coining the nickname YS2. I don't remember who came up with Sprout but we love and use that nickname too.


Lauren said…
So adorable! I just love that smile!! :) Glad to "hear" from you and I am so glad everything is so great! Little YS2! :) So cute!
Leora said…
Yes, so cute! He looks like a sprout; no, cuter than a sprout. Did you say how you came up with the name "Caleb"? It sounds so biblical to me. Caleb ben Yefuna was one of the "good" messengers when the Israelites were hesitant to enter the Land of Israel.

Enjoy, and make sure to get rest, too.
Sarah said…
He's beautiful! I can totally understand how busy life becomes with a cute little addition like YS2. I think that little nickname fits well. He looks so much like Sam.

Hugs and Mangoes,
Carrie Nicole said…
He is totally ADORBS!! What a sweet little man :) Sprout is too cute as a nickname, gosh!

big hugs to all three of you!
Unknown said…
I personally love Mr. Amazing...cute cute cute!
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful baby boy! Are you two feeling blessed yet?! lol! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Love & Sunshine!
Carol said…
What a cutie pie Heidi!!

How are YOU doing?
shannonmarie said…
No need to apologize for a lack of posts. I think we all expected you to be busy with your little one. He's just too cute to take a moment away from. Thanks for sharing his newest pics with us :-)
bitt said…
he looks a lot like you. must be fun to have a little one around. i need to come see him!
Tough Cookie said…
Congrats!!! Your baby is beautiful.
Rebekah said…
he is beautiful!!! dont think I would be able to tear myself away from him either!!

I love your little superhero AMAZING little boy! So cute :)
Anonymous said…
I just ran across your blog...your lil guy is just so so beautiful!

I have a son who is 16 mos and I just love your pics...wasn't so long ago... it goes so so fast

well, I just wanted to introduce myself and say HELLO, my name is Cindy
Debbie Young said…
OH that kid is a heartbreaker already, just like Momma.. and Daddy!
Thanks for the YS2 nod, it was just a natural:)
love you all
Kristen's Raw said…
PRECIOUS PRECIOUS PRECIOUS!!!!! I love the pictures!

Isle Dance said…
He could not be any cuter!!!!

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